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October 10th, 2012

[info]adarkflash in [info]doorslogs

Who: Adam and Olive
Where: At Olive's place
When: Recently!
Why: Meeting neighbors
Warnings: Just cute awkwardness

I feel rather protective of you, which is silly, as I couldn't protect a lizard from a cat. )

[info]onerule in [info]doorslogs

Who: Luke and Cailin
What: Catching up.
Where: Caesars.
When: Recently?
Warnings/Rating: None.

Cailín only laughed and offered a secret smile behind her beer. She’d never tell him about what it’d be like if she didn’t have a life outside of the work she did. )

[info]hitjackpot in [info]doorslogs

WHO MK and Adam.
WHAT (some) bad secrets come out.
WHEN recently.
WHERE the Waterhouse-Robinson apartment.
WARNING swearing, talk of self-harm.
He loved her completely. What did she want? )

[info]rose_withthorns in [info]doorslogs

Who: Margaery and Renly
What: Politics and other such important things
Where: Kings Landing
When: After Renly takes the Iron Throne
Warnings/Rating: None

Read more... )

[info]runs_the_show in [info]doorslogs

WHO Justine & Olivia
WHAT Random Run In
WHEN Recently? This morning? IDK
WHERE On the Strip

As soon as she heard the crack of something breaking, Justine’s face fell. She was going to be in so much trouble, she could just tell. )

[info]laminette in [info]doorslogs

Who: Wren
What: A teensy narrative
Where: Willows
When: The morning after this
Warnings/Rating: None

Wren looked down at the cocktail napkin, which had obviously come from a bar somewhere, given a beer stain in the corner and the sweet scent of booze and smoke still clinging to the white. )

[info]aceofdeath in [info]doorslogs

Who: Seven and Liam
What: It's a party of revelations.
Where: Liam's bedroom.
When: A few hours after this.
Warnings/Rating: Implied sex, BDSM-related injuries, and language.

"You’ve got a gun, and you’ve brought it into my home without telling me first. Don’t you think that’s something you ought to tell someone?" )

[info]onerule in [info]doorslogs

Who: Bruce Wayne
What: Wee narrative.
Where: Wayne Enterprises.
When: Now-ish.
Warnings/Rating: A little foreshadowing.

The only difference was the paleness of their skin, almost translucent, like something which had been buried and away from the light for a long, long time. )

[info]fall_of_rain in [info]doorslogs

Who: Zee and Hunter
What: Pre-"date" kissy face
Where: Their apartment
When: The other day
Warnings/Rating: Smooshy feelings! Short and sweet.

The shy curl to Hunter’s smile was too tempting to ignore )