February 26th, 2008

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] She got a mortgage on my body

She got a mortgage on my body
by cozzybob

Rated: PG-13?

Pair: Dx5, Sx5, some D+6.

Warning: rampant het, swearing, cheating, drunkenness, angst, references to BDSM lifestyle and unplanned pregnancies. Prequel to Squeeze My Lemon

Note: Prequel to Squeeze My Lemon. Both titles are taken from the song Traveling Riverside Blues by Robert Johnson, and THIS was written specifically for the_dw, who is such a sweetie pie and likes my het! *squees hysterically* I also wanna nudge [info]woodlandelf again, simply because she still needs more love, and I love her so, yes I do.

Summary: Describing the relationship between Dorothy and Wufei prior to Zechs' arrival in Squeeze My Lemon.

...because he knew that Treize would hate to think of his favorite cousin living off whatever soup of chemicals currently found in her Lean Cuisines and Banquets. )

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Good And Red

Good And Red
by cozzybob

Pair: 1+6+1

Warning: attempt at fluff? poor humor? get together fic, a pessimistic view on Christmas, kissie toward the end...

Note: For Ederyn's request in a drabble meme thingie: "I want a GW get-together fic for [Zechs and Heero], and I want the[m] to be the only ones in the fic."

Summary: Heero hates Zechs. Heero is a liar. Heero is frustrated. And Zechs is in his own little world.

These things needed to be kept simple. )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] (Off The Dollar) Menu

(Off The Dollar) Menu
by cozzybob

Pair: Duo, Heero.

Warning: disturbing images, depression, mental break down, starvation, language, the burial of burgers... gets a little intense. Please take the warnings seriously, I'm not joking this time.

Note: For gw500's "zone." Sort of a venting piece.

Summary: Duo doesn't eat meat.

El, You, En, A, Tee, Eye, See. )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Death Meets One Billion And Six

Death Meets One Billion and Six
by cozzybob

Pair: Zechs, Sandman's Death.

Warning: end of the series + Zechs = ANGST. Crossover with the Sandman comics.

Note: Believe it or not, this took me several months to write. It's another crossover with Sandman in what I'm finally dubbing the Sandman Crossover Drabbles (the other two being Death Speaks to Death and Death Takes One), but you don't need to read those at all to get this, so, mwa! Ederyn said a while ago that Zechs should die in this so that he can get Treize and she'll stop sobbing every time she reads these, but I can't be nearly that nice, so don't worry, Zechs doesn't die, dear. Enjoy! Hehehe...

Summary: Zechs drifts in space waiting to die, but unfortunately, nothing ever works for Zechs the way he plans them.

He counts a star for every life that he has taken. )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Pagan For Hire 7

Pagan For Hire 7
by cozzybob

Pair: Pagan, Relena, Mrs. Darlian.

Warning: Takes place shortly after Heero blows himself up, with spoilers up around until that point. Err. Sorta Mrs.-Darlian-bashing, mentions of Relena with a gun. ;D

Note: Seventh part, was for Pagan month at gw_ozzies, blah blah blah. You know, I know, if you don't, it's okay. Hee! Long overdue... sorry about that. Not very pleased with it, but enough I say! You are craving Pagan. Yus! You don't need to read the others to get this, each is kind of a stand-alone anyway. Just Pagan lookin' after the kiddie pies. Yayz! *kishes Grandpa Pagan for being so wondie*

Summary: After Darlian's death, Relena vanishes, and Pagan struggles to catch up.

This is what they never taught you in private school. )

[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Lice Sucks Even More Than Peas

Lice Sucks Even More Than Peas
by cozzybob

Pair: Just Duo
Warning: lice and graphic descriptions of it.

Note: Based on actual Cozzy memories. Enjoy! I may do another one related to this drabble, depending on how the muse bites.

Tiny legs scurried across his scalp... )
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Reverence

by cozzybob

Pair: old Duo
Rating: G
Word Count: exactly 100
Author's Notes: For Princess, because she said I could do it, and I did, and for E, who made me join gundam_100 on IJ, to which this was written for. The prompt was touch.

"Can I touch?"

He was fifty, and a liaison between the rebuilt Maxwell Orphanage and the street rats. Every day he'd travel through the worst sections of the colony, and come back with refugees. Duo was a millionaire, he didn't have to do it. He owned the entire colony, he could hire others to do grunt work. But the children...

Duo knelt, swinging his peppered braid over his shoulder and handing it to tiny, filthy hands. The boy petted it with reverence.

"Wow," he whispered. He touched the braid like it had been transplanted from Jesus' scalp.

"Yeah. S'great. C'mon."
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[info]cozzybob in [info]cozzybabbles

[GW] Three More Drabbles

Untitled Something Or Another

Pair: 2x3
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Duo has a potty mouth
Notes: For Gundam_100's promp "touch" on IJ

Motherfreakin' )


Baby Blues
Pair: 6xD
Rating: PGish
Word Count: 104
Note: Another, same comm, for "touch."

She touched him once, on the thigh. )


Howard's First

Pair: past one-way Howard/J
Rating: PG-13

Note: Dedicated to [info]ralphiere, and inspired (sort of) by an old Pond pic of young!J and Howard, from way back, which I can't link to since her site is down. Waaah! Again, same comm, prompt "secret."

And oh, those luscious cherry lips... )