Feb. 25th, 2008


[Batman] Two Birds

Two Birds
by cozzybob

Pair: Dick Grayson, Harvey Dent, mentions of the Joker

Warning: first-time (and probably last-time) Batman fic, Arkam-ness, Dick-being-broody-ness, angst-ness, language.

Note: My first ever Batman fic. Or DC fic. Or comic fic at all. Have no idea where it came from, didn't even know Batman had a fic fandom, although I suppose that was inevitable. I just sorta booted up Jarte one day, and this was sitting there laughing at me. (That's what I get for marathon-reading Robin and Nightwing comics, I tell you. To me, Dick Grayson is almost more interesting than Bruce Wayne. Boy's got issues.) But anyway... enjoy.

This takes place a few years after Nightwing: Year One (other comics thereafter excluded because I haven't got there yet), where Batman fired Robin for (I hope) the last time, and our favorite sidekick dissed the yellow and red Boy Wonder to become... well, Nightwing! There are mentions of the Teen Titans and Batgirl, but nothing specific. That's all you really need to know to understand this crazy thing.

Summary: Nightwing pays Two Face a little visit at Arkam, but it's for all the wrong reasons.

The Bat had trained him better than this. )
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