Feb. 26th, 2008


[GW] She got a mortgage on my body

She got a mortgage on my body
by cozzybob

Rated: PG-13?

Pair: Dx5, Sx5, some D+6.

Warning: rampant het, swearing, cheating, drunkenness, angst, references to BDSM lifestyle and unplanned pregnancies. Prequel to Squeeze My Lemon

Note: Prequel to Squeeze My Lemon. Both titles are taken from the song Traveling Riverside Blues by Robert Johnson, and THIS was written specifically for the_dw, who is such a sweetie pie and likes my het! *squees hysterically* I also wanna nudge [info]woodlandelf again, simply because she still needs more love, and I love her so, yes I do.

Summary: Describing the relationship between Dorothy and Wufei prior to Zechs' arrival in Squeeze My Lemon.

...because he knew that Treize would hate to think of his favorite cousin living off whatever soup of chemicals currently found in her Lean Cuisines and Banquets. )

Feb. 20th, 2008


[GW] A Perfect Fit

A Perfect Fit
by cozzybob

Pair: Wufei, Mariemaia

Warnings: pre-Endless Waltz, ie: minor spoiler for EW. Wufei angst?

Note: For gw500's second anniversary, theme "uniform."

'08: Not my favorite fic, but I do wish there was more Wufei/Mariemaia fic out there. Doh!

with the skin of his arms running off his fingertips, in drips, like blood )

Jan. 31st, 2008


[GW] Drabble Request #4

Drabble Request #4

Rated: PG

Pair: 13x5 (this one is official!)

Note: Another from the drabble meme from years ago. the_dw requested: Gundam Wing, 13x5 in Treize's POV, in the moment when Tallgeese II was about to explode. (I've noticed, re-reading these, that I truly suck at writing Treize. Sorry. xD)

They say that when you die, your life flashes before your eyes. )