Feb. 28th, 2008


[BTVS/ATS] On Giving Up

On Giving Up
by cozzybob

Rating: PG-13 for language
Pair: Spike/Illyria-ish
Warning: aww factor. some language, many uses of the f-word, a brief moment of interrupted demon smut. Mega spoilers for After The Fall.

Note: After reading the second installment of the After The Fall comic, I was disturbed on Spike's behalf. But then I decided, hey, this is Joss, and he knows what he's doing. He's gotta, he hasn't failed us much before, right? Well, sort of. At any rate, I believe in the man, and I started to consider the subtle hints of background story implied by Spike when speaking to Angel. I *was* going to write a story about that, how Spike came to be the way we find him, but that was too much work and I know I'll end up getting Jossed anyway, so I found myself oggling that last image of Illyria fanatically and looking over my options. That's when I began to write this. It helped me to understand things, really, and I'm not so disturbed anymore. In fact, I'm starting to think ATF!Spike makes a strange kind of sense.

Summary: Written to the 2nd issue of the After The Fall comic. Spike thinks over his current role in Angel's life, and more importantly, his role in Illyria's.

Clearly, hell was unaware of William the Bloody's reputation for women. )