Feb. 20th, 2008


[GW] To Live

To Live
by cozzybob

Pair: Duo, Zechs, mention of 1xR, 2+1, 13x6, 13+11, 13xLeia

Warning: The sequel of To Die. Angst, some mental breakdown, past-demons-ness, drunkenness, minor drug abuse, dealing with death, harsh language, some vivid images... and of course more Zechs with Wild Turkey (but he's got his shirt on this time, damnit).

Dedication: For Tresses and the 6x2ML on yahoo... the girls wanted a sequel, and their wish is my command. Also a special thanks to Anna and Michele for the idea about Une, and of course a special glomps to Kagi and Karina, of whom I've both missed terribly because I'm so bad about posting in the MLs (not to mention GWA). Oh, and this is also-also-also for Cinderzol again, because the first one was for her, and I love her so muchly. *squeeeeeze*

Note: This is the sequel of To Die, but I suppose you can read it just fine as a stand alone. It doesn't follow the exact same style as it's predecessor (To Die was in past tense, this is in present), but if you don't mind, I certainly don't.

Summary: Zechs is drunk again, and this time, Duo gets personal. The sequel of To Die.

You're showing your crazy, Mr. Lightning, Sir. )
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[GW] To Die

To Die
by cozzybob

Disclaimer: The two extremely hot men with the very long hair do not belong to me. The fact that they are currently chained to my bed means nothing.

Pairs: Zechs. Duo. Very subtle reference to 13+6.

Warning: Post-EW. Mentions of mental breakdown, discrimination, dirty cops, Christian blasphemy, vulgarity, some bad words, other stuff, and a topless Zechs drinking Wild Turkey. Surprisingly, there's not a whole lot of angst.

Note: This is dedicated to Cinderzol, who is in love with Duo and Zechs in the same room together. She's got the right idea. xD Also, I give a special thanks to Neil Gaimen and "Anasi Boys," who both randomly gave me the inspiration I needed, and helped me to write this whole entire thing in one day. That's a miracle for me. Thank you, Writer God.

Summary: Although not a Preventer, Duo finds his way into the Preventer fight room in Brussels, which is inhabited only by a half-drunken topless Zechs drinking Wild Turkey in all his lovely glory. They talk, as men will do, and they form an unusual kinship.

They called it a break down, but I called it enlightenment. )
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Jan. 31st, 2008


[GW] Death and the Devil 5/5

Death and the Devil
--Drunken Lullabies (Epilogue)

Rated: R

Pairs: 2x6x2, refs to 13x6, 2xH, 1+/x2

Warning: yaoi (male/male love), refs to het, language, drunkenness, limes, implied lemons, angst, sap, some supernatural, adult situations. Random light spoilers of Duo's Ep Zero with some mention of the series concerning Zechs.

Dedication: For Adrian (who had prodded and prodded and prodded and prodded for some yummy Zechs-ness), as well as the ever faithful Dulin, and for my ravenous fan Liz and my icon goddess Elemental, for Merith, for anyone who has ever left a comment (or will) in this arc, and to finally anyone who is now a 2x6/6x2 fan, despite the fact that this was never intended to be yaoi when I started--it just happened. This is the fic that made me a 2x6x2 fan, so spread the love! Thank you, you all mean so much to me.

Note: Special thanks to Adrian for his wonderful White Caucasus story (even if he never finished it and is now almost impossible to find). I was really struggling here toward the limey end of this, until I got a hold of his WC fic. He wrote a few magnificent lemons with Zechs and Treize in there, and it was all the inspiration I needed. Thanks so much, Adrian! *tackles him*

'08 Note: Dear God! I can't believe how old this is! *points to notes and dedications* This fic was written in 2005. ^^


You kiss like Treize. )
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[GW] Death and the Devil 4/5

Death and the Devil
--The Walls of War

Rated: R

Pairs: possible 2+6+2, refs to 13+6, 6+9

Warning: shounen-ai and het, sequel to "The Truth," drunkenness, language, depression, spoilers for Zechs' past, Cozzy sap, the usual.

Note: Written for the gw500 lj community, challenge#50 'A brick.'

Previous / Epilogue--"Druken Lullabies."

I'm the brick two bricks to your left. )
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[GW] Death and the Devil 3/5

Death and the Devil
--The Truth

Rated: R

Pairs: eventual 2x6x2, mention of past 2+H

Warnings: het, shounen-ai, language, adult situations, drunkenness, Ep Zero spoilers for Duo, Cozzy sap, anti-Holidays angst

Note: Written for the gw500 lj community, challenge#49 'Thanksgiving.'

Previous / Next--"The Walls of War."

I believe that is the first time I have ever heard Duo Maxwell tell the truth. )
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[GW] Death and the Devil 2/5

Death and the Devil
--The Broken Marquise

Rated: R

Pairing: eventual 2x6x2, mention of 6+9 and 13+/x6

Warning: het, yaoi, language, adult situations, drunkenness, mention of the battle in Antarctica (slight series spoilers)

Note: Written for the gw_jeopardy lj community. The challenge was game 1, table 1, row Zechs, category 'friends and lovers' for 500 words.

Previous / Next--"The Truth."

I hated that fucking mask... )
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[GW] Death and the Devil 1b/5

Death and the Devil
--Death's Two Faces

Rated: R

Pairings: hinted 2+H, eventual 2x6x2

Warning: hinted het relationship, shounen-ai, language, adult situations, lil dark, blasphemy, brief mention of NCS, mention of Post-EW, a mirror-fic of "In God's Bar." Duo's half of the story.

Note: Written for the gw500 lj community, challenge #48 'mediums.' (Another note: These have not been looked over since 2005. Any errors are because I'm lazy.)

Previous / Next--"The Broken Marquise."

I never was and never will be an average suburbian follower. )
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[GW] Death and the Devil 1a/5

Death and the Devil
--In God's Bar

Rated: R

Pairs: eventual 2x6x2

Warning: language, semi-religious, blasphemy, adult situations, dark, angst

Note: This was an arc using both the gw500 and gw_jeopardy communities on livejournal. 'In God's Bar' was written for the gw500 lj community, challenge #47 'signs.' (I hate the beginning of this one. But I still like the ending. Hee!)

Next--"Death's Two Faces."

Call me Joe. Good name for a drunk. )
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Aug. 13th, 2007


[GW] 2x6x2 Kisses

2x6x2 Kisses
--From The Fire

Pairs: 2x6x2, possible 13+6

Warnings: m/m, weirdness, angst

Note: Originally a claim I had in the classic LJ comm 30 kisses, but abandoned after five tries (this is the fifth one). Written to the prompt "the space between dream and reality," which is number 6 on the original table. Not very good--older fics, older crap-ness.

Does death ever make a mistake? )