Feb. 20th, 2008


[GW] Put Up A Parking Lot

Put Up A Parking Lot
by cozzybob

Rated: PG

Pair: Duo, Hilde

Warning: post-war, angst, oddity, the desecration of graves, some religious themes, hints of mental breakdown, Duo-and-the-past-ness. Maybe a little bit twisted... err...

Note: I was tired of reading about Duo and his grief over the The Church, so I wrote my own version. Inspired by the song if you know where the title (and the quote in the fic) came from. Written for gw500's "fake."

Summary: Duo prays over a spot in a parking garage once a year, and Hilde asks him why.

He belongs somewhere in the Sahara without a canteen, turban on his head and a spitting camel under his ass, waiting for the storm rip him six ways from Sunday. )
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