Feb. 20th, 2008


[GW] A Warning Ignored

A Warning Ignored
by cozzybob

Pair: Zechs, Relena, Darlian

Warnings: gen, takes place just before the series--ie, attempt at canon, angst, tension

Note: Written for the Beat_of_Destiny community, theme "brief encounter" for the character Zechs Marquise.

Summary: Zechs warns Darlian about OZ shortly before the start of Operation Meteor.

Zechs Marquise is only Milliardo with a mask. )

Jan. 31st, 2008


[GW] Between the Lines

Between the Lines
by cozzybob

Rated: PG-13

Pair: just Zechs, mention of Treize

Warning: canon, fits just after Zechs "dies" in Antarctica. The usual angst and the like.

Note: Written for the Beat_of_Destiny community, theme "between the lines" for the character Zechs Marquise. (Another old, crappy one. I had a bizarre temptation to skip posting this, but I was a good girl!)

Zechs Marquise must die. )
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[GW] Stellar Soldier

Stellar Soldier
by cozzybob

Rated: G

Pair: Zechs and a dead Treize

Warning: Before EW, introspection.

Note: Inspired by Treize's character song, "Stellar Soldiers." I didn't make it up, this is my interpretation via Zechs' viewpoint after the war. Written for the Beat_of_Destiny community, theme "stars" for the character Zechs Marquise.

Treize believed that when soldiers die, they become stars. )
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Aug. 13th, 2007


[GW] When I Kiss Him In My Dreams...

When I kiss him in my dreams...
by cozzybob

Rated: PG

Pairs: implied 13x6

Warning: poetic, post-war, angst, kissing, spoilers for the end of the series, mentions of death and possible suicidal thoughts. Very weird.

Note: Written for the Beat_of_Destiny community on LJ, theme "endless" for the character Zechs Merquise. Crappy.

Summary: Zechs still dreams of Treize long after his death.

He sucks my soul into his mouth and he devours it, claiming me as his own. )
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[GW] Are You Lost?

Are you lost?
by cozzybob

Rated: G
Pair: just Zechs
Warning: This takes place shortly after the end of the series, before EW. If the title rings a bell, there's also a brief ref from Heero's Ep Zero (but Heero does not make an appearance). Angst, sap, ghosts, supernatural, and weirdness.

Note: For the beat_of_destiny community on LJ, theme "always faithful" for the character Zechs Merquise.

Summary: Zechs has a peculiar conversation with a ghost.

There will pain at first, but there always is. That is the way. )
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[GW] Never Forget

Never Forget
by cozzybob

Rated: PG-13
Pair: Zechs and Treize
Warning: gore, blood, angst, mention of death, mentions of religious ideas. Pre-war.

Note: For the beat_of_destiny community on LJ, theme #3 "never" for the character Zechs Marquise. Heh, these are going faster than I expected! My Zechs muse is going nuts over this, you'll have to forgive me. ;D

Summary: Milliardo Peacecraft finds his new name, and relives some painful memories in the process.

What he'd give to have wings... )
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[GW] Losing Gracefully

Losing Gracefully
by cozzybob

Rated: G
Pair: Zechs-and-Noin-ness
Warning: minor series spoilers, post-EW, fluffy sappy angst

Note: Written for the Beat_of_Destiny community on LJ, theme "success" for the character Zechs Merquise. Old crap.

Summary: Noin always lets him win at everything, and Zechs finally musters the courage to ask her why.

Why would anyone accept less than who they are? )
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[GW] Hurt Me Twice

Hurt Me Twice
by cozzybob

Rated: PG

Pair: just Zechs

Warning: childhood memories, Zechs POV

Note: Written for the Beat_of_Destiny community on LJ, theme "beat" for the character Zechs Merquise.

Don't ever let anyone hurt you twice, Milliard. )
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