Feb. 20th, 2008


[GW] Bloody Little Children

Bloody Little Children
by cozzybob

Pairs: Marquise Weridge, Relena and Une. That's gen you hentais.

Warning: Canon with slight AU. Takes place during episode 11: The Destiny of Happiness, ie: word-for-word spoilers like mad. Murder, death, angst. Bit dark. Relena with a gun. ;)

Note: For [info]meritjubet in the name of Christmas. Inspired after a conversation on LJ, Merit declared she always wanted a fic where things happened just a little bit differently during this specific episode... I had to agree, and the bunny attacked. This was her idea, not mine, and the creativity belongs to her. I love you, Merit! Thanks for the endless inspiration and everything you do for me, you totally rock my socks. I have never met a more open-minded individual, and I hope you continue to do what you do, because the world needs more of you. *loves* I can't thank you enough. Honestly.

Summary: Instead of shooting the rose, Relena shot its thorn.

'08: I love this fic. Love, love, love. Now if only I could ever get around to that damned sequel...

Even the children of Peacecrafts are killing in cold blood. )
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