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January 29th, 2008

Sick and Sort of Coping

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Open to Whoverse friends and anyone that can stand her being sick(Mark and Roger, stay away since she's catching!)

Gwen was huddled under enough covers to stock a small army and she was still shivering. She had a sick feeling this was the same flu that knocked Owen flat for 2 very long weeks. She remembered how it had been just her and Ianto holding down the fort, Tosh had been on holiday around that time. Her cell phone was sitting close by, having tried to get both the Hub and her boyfriend Rhys Williams. But she had only gotten Ianto's voicemail unit. "It's something" between a round of hacking coughing.

She knew something had happened, she was more worried about Jack. "Someone has to worry" as she slipped back under the blankets to try and warm up after getting up to find a book. Gwen had tried to shower and look a little cleaner but with not much luck. "Least I tried" she joked to herself.

"That was madness" finally speaking of what she had seen in the aftermath of the explosion. But only Jack,Rhys and Owen knew one major secret about her: the explosion and the aftermath triggered nightmares of the Beacon Beacons(Events of Countrycide during season 1).

January 25th, 2008

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Down at the cemetary, Tim is waiting. He is dressed in his best (black of course), a thick book in one hand, waiting by the graves. He has set up a bunch of chairs, and patiently waits for everyone to settle in and show up, before he begins.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here together to join in mourning. We have lost a great many people, near and dear to us. Please, bow your head for a moment of silence, for those who have passed."

Tim bows his head, waiting.

When he raises his head again, he flips open his book. "In this life, we find ourselves in a veil of sorrow. But fear not, for those who have passed on pass on now to a better place, a place of peace and happiness. Beyond this world, there lies yet another, and there, they are laid to rest."

((OOC:There will be a thread in this post for each of those lost, please feel free to have your pup eulogise or just mourn underneath whichever ones you want.))

January 21st, 2008

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Who: Captain Jack Harkness/Rose Tyler, Any of the Whoverse Folk and Their Friends

When: Just after the explosion, then just before the residence comes crashing down.

Rating: R. (Character Death, Grief, Swearing, Guilt)

(With my apologies for the delay...)

Captain Jack Harkness has just had a lovely time 'dancing' with Rose, and is on his way to one of the bars for some champagne.

He doesn't know that dance will be their last.

As he passes through the Lobby, he's caught directly above the explosion, and is killed instantly, the remains of his body blasted through a wall.


Long live Jack Harkness. 

January 16th, 2008

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Who: Gwen Cooper, Open to Jack Harkness, Martha Jones and 10th Doctor
When: During the explosion
Why: She is getting sick and then some(post thread with Sam Winchester)
Status: Incomplete
Rating: TBD

As Gwen followed Sam into the post explosion madness she fell back onto her training as a cop and her pre Torchwood life. She lent a hand the best she could between sneezing and coughing fits along with 2 waves of nauesa. But anyone could see she was getting sicker by the second, only a really bad cold but it made the younger woman look as miserable as she felt. The whole time she was moving debris to free people she was watching for anyone she knew: from Jack and Martha to the Doctor she had only heard about.

As she helped another wave hit and this one almost knocked her flat. In spite of the hoodie she was shivering and trying not to let anyone see her shake. Part of her wanted to pass out but the cop in her kept fighting the wave to keep helping somehow.

January 15th, 2008

Time for a fall

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Hop, hop, hop.

The Bunny eyes the empty lobby again, just to make sure it is still empty. If anyone sees him doing this, he's in big trouble. But sometimes, well, all the time really, he just has to follow his programming.

Which is telling him, someone has to pay.

So it is that he's carrying a small object, just about the size of an easter egg. Actually, it's painted to look like one too. But with some advanced knowledge, and future technology, the Bunny has created something quite powerful.

"Happy Birthday, buddy." With a quick two hops, he slams the egg into the delivery shoot and hits the button with both feet. After a smooth landing, his beady red eyes stare upwards, waiting for a rush of fire down the tube to tell him he's the new Manager of this place.


As pieces of the residence begin to fall down around his head, he can say but one thing.


((OOC:This is it boys and girls, the big badda boom! Enjoy yourselves.))
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