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April 1st, 2008

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Who: Martha, Jack and Gwen (ooc: plotlocked)
Where: Room 104.

Martha hops out of her shower and dresses in a simple top and a pair of jeans. She towel dries her hair next, and then pulls it back into a simple ponytail before checking her watch. She has about five minutes before Jack and Gwen are scheduled to arrive at her door, and leaves her bedroom to take a seat on her sofa and wait.

(ooc: order - Jack, Gwen, Martha OR Gwen, Jack, Martha depending on who comments first.)

March 27th, 2008

Note left for Jack.

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O Captain My Captain,

Are you busy later? I was thinking we could have that mini-team meeting with Gwen, catch her up on how Here works and ease her confusion.


Stag and Doe - OTA [[OOC: No tags from Mr. Bunny, please]]

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Who: Damn near everyone (except for Mr. Bunny).
Where: The Ballroom (where you dance, not where you play with balls).
When: Right now, actually... ;)
Rating: Jack swears sometimes, some maybe PG-13. Will alter if required.
Summary: Stag and Doe for Lucas and Layla.

The sign on the Ballroom door read:

Stag and Doe: Lucas and Layla (respectively). 
Come on in and help them celebrate 
their love for one another (that means you)

Jack checked to make sure everything was in place. The sound system was ready to take requests. He had arranged for a microphone to be set up on a small, raised platform, for announcements, speeches and the like. There were streamers and balloons, two tables of food and a table of beverages for all tastes. He had two crowns set aside for the special couple to wear later on and party favours scattered around the room.

Right now, he set the music for some soft rock 'n' roll, so people could dance if they wanted, but could converse comfortably. He figured 'simple but fun' was the way to go. He'd thought about the whole 'girl popping out of the cake' scenario, and even considered twisting it so that he popped out of the cake instead, but this was a 'family show', not one of those parties.

Jack, dressed simply in a blue t-shirt, jeans and sneakers, checked his watch and waited for people to arrive, hoping that Layla and Lucas would like what he'd done. He hadn't really met Layla yet, so he was a little nervous.

I'm a Best Man who doesn't really know the Bride-to-Be. How weird is that?

[[ OOC: Ahem, sorry. Posting order? What is this strange thing you speak of? ;) I didn't set it up that way at all, at all. Just have fun, tag who you like, and dance when the spirit moves you. :D ]]

March 26th, 2008

Martha, The Boutique - OTA

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It's not really all that surprising to Martha that after a short walk on the grounds, she finds herself at the Boutique, browsing the racks. For one thing, she loves clothes, when she gets a chance to shop - not that this could be considered shopping. For another, she really does love clothes. Then, there's the notice she found on her door. According to what she read, the weather was going to change soon, and she'd rather be ready for the warmth than not.

She pulls a pair of shorts off a rack and considers keeping them.

March 25th, 2008

Doctors and Nurses meeting (Backdated to the Friday before the shower)

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*Ana sat in the lobby waiting for Martha, Jack, Peter and Derek. They'd move to their next location after they all arrived, grabbed coffee and what not. *

March 15th, 2008

Lucas and Jack (closed)

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Lucas had been feeling a lot better and was over the flu he had had.

He had been thinking a lot about what Layla had asked for and decided to go talk to Jack about it.

He walked to Jack's room and knocked on the door hoping Jack was in.

March 11th, 2008

Letting Off Some Steam

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Who: Martha Jones and Jack Harkness (closed).
Where: The Fitness Centre.
When: After their little chat in the bar (and if I knew how to do a link thingie here, I would... ).
Rating: We'll say 'R', as Jack might swear, bless 'im. Will alter if necessary.

He's found her in a bar, drinking, alone. Her expression has flickered from being far away to being almost too intense and everywhere in between, and her smile keeps slipping.

Jack has decided to try and fix that.

He's in sweats and a singlet, all set for a workout, and she's just in regular clothes, but they'll make it work. Maybe she just needs to let off some steam. Lord knows he does.

"Right," he says as they enter the Fitness Centre. He places the bottles of water on a bench. "What would you like to start with, Doctor Jones? Weights? A little cardio?" He smiles one of his mega-watt smiles and spreads his arms wide. "What'll it be?"

March 2nd, 2008

Quietly Building - OTA

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Who: Jack Harkness and OTA (Who/TW Folk and Anyone Else)
Where: Outside in the snow.
When: Still daylight.
Summary: So much has been destroyed. Jack decides to build something.
Rating: He might swear, so let's make it 'R' to be careful.

"Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures."

~ John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States (1961-63), 1917 - 1963

The sun is shining. Jack takes that to be a sign that he should get outside and once there, he admires the snowmen that have been created and decides he's going to do something himself. He isn't sure what, so he flops onto his back in the snow and makes an angel. He stands carefully, shakes the snow from his coat, and draws a halo above the head with two fingers. Standing back to admire his work, he nods slightly. It'll do, but he wants to create something. He isn't going to compete with the army of snow people, and one can only make so many snow angels...

He could use some tools, but doesn't want to stop to get any. Instead, he picks a likely area of deep snow, away from the residence just enough that it won't interfere with the generation of snow people. He plunges his hands into the snow and starts to dig.

February 12th, 2008

Night Flight

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Who: Iggy and open to anyone who'd be up that high
Where: The roof
When: Tuesday night, after dinner and well after dark.

It has been said, that if you want to fly you have to throw yourself at the ground, and miss.

This is, as point of fact, easier for some people than for others. Such as the six foot tall boy with the wingspan of over thirteen feet.

Just because he wasn't at home and didn't have Max there to tell him to practice, didn't mean he was just going to slack off. Quite the opposite actually, he knew he needed the practice just to keep himself sharp.

He'd done a few runthroughs of Up & Away, taking off from flat standing, he'd even gone on a low flight through the trees and hadn't banged himself up too badly. Just at the moment he was practicing dives, just letting himself drop from the edge of the roof and not flapping until he had to, wingtips brushing the ground now and again when he almost didn't spread his wings in time.

February 4th, 2008

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Who: Martha, OTA
Where: Blix Bar
What: Martha's...slightly less okay than she's been saying (but only slightly). Which, of course, means a few hours at one of the bars is in order.

They can fix the building, build it back up as if it never came down, but it's left its mark. Martha thinks, feeling only slightly philosophical as she sits in a seat at the counter, halfway through what she's pretty sure happens to be her...third, maybe fourth, Long Island Ice Tea.

She'd been lucky. If she'd stopped to have breakfast that day, she'd probably be dead. And then her family...they wouldn't know. Ever. they'd go on for years, thinking she disappeared off the face of the Earth. And while she has disappeared, she isn't dead and gone yet. And besides, it's one thing to be stuck Here. But to die here? No.

She originally came for one drink. One drink, and then she'd return to her room. But one drink became two, and two was more than enough to put her in a mood. She looks at her glass, finding it not halfway as she'd thought, but completely empty. She shrugs, not caring much that she was wrong. "Another Long Island Ice Tea."

She picks it up when it appears in front of her and takes a sip.

February 3rd, 2008

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Max and OTA
When: While Sam was at the chapel, she was at the bar thinking things over

*Max was thinking about so much, about how she could have died that day. How if she doesn't have another X=5 here and she loses blood like she had, or worse and needed a transfer she'd be S.O.L. She was worried about Sam and these feelings she was suddenly feeling for Dean and to boot she woke up this morning feeling funny. As the day passed she didn't think too much about it and then wham, she began to notice guys all over Here. Really notice them, flirting a bit. Sam was all guilt ridden, she didn't want to bother him. What a great time for Heat to come a knockin'. She drank her beer, sat in the corner and did her best to not run into anyone and to especially not be seen by anyone. She;d go find Sam later.*

January 29th, 2008

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Who: Jack and Martha (closed)
When: backdated - Sunday night.
Where: The smaller library.

Jack can play hide and seek all he likes, but I will find him., Martha thinks, pushing open the doors to the smaller library on the ground floor.

It’s true. She’s spent the past hour looking for him and has so far been unable to find him; she didn’t even bother with his and the Doctor's room (she almost thinks "his, the Doctor's, and Rose's" but stops herself), mostly because she knows better than that. If she'd even bothered, she wouldn't have found him there. She’s sure she’ll find him, though, and she’s determined to make sure it happens tonight. She's understandably worried, not just because of Rose, but for other reasons that she isn't sure aren't related. At the memorial, she hadn’t been ready yet, not to have this conversation with either of them, but she is now. And she thinks Jack needs to have it first.

She takes a look around as she walks further into the room, keeping an eye out for him and thinking to herself that this could be a much easier search if he had access to a roof; she takes it back immediately despite the fact that she knows what she really meant.

She heads for the slightly darker section of the library, taking her time as she looks around. "Jack?"

Note Left for Jack Harkness and Martha Jones

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Suite 214, visit?


PS: You may get after me for being out of bed.

*tucked into a second note for Jack*

Just really worried....

Sick and Sort of Coping

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Open to Whoverse friends and anyone that can stand her being sick(Mark and Roger, stay away since she's catching!)

Gwen was huddled under enough covers to stock a small army and she was still shivering. She had a sick feeling this was the same flu that knocked Owen flat for 2 very long weeks. She remembered how it had been just her and Ianto holding down the fort, Tosh had been on holiday around that time. Her cell phone was sitting close by, having tried to get both the Hub and her boyfriend Rhys Williams. But she had only gotten Ianto's voicemail unit. "It's something" between a round of hacking coughing.

She knew something had happened, she was more worried about Jack. "Someone has to worry" as she slipped back under the blankets to try and warm up after getting up to find a book. Gwen had tried to shower and look a little cleaner but with not much luck. "Least I tried" she joked to herself.

"That was madness" finally speaking of what she had seen in the aftermath of the explosion. But only Jack,Rhys and Owen knew one major secret about her: the explosion and the aftermath triggered nightmares of the Beacon Beacons(Events of Countrycide during season 1).

Coping - OTA

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Who: Jack Harkness and Open to All

Where: The darkest part of the library.

When: Day after the funeral, very late at night...

Rating: R (Grief, coping poorly, loneliness, swearing)

Jack sits on the floor of the library, in a point farthest away from the door and any of the groupings of chairs. There is a pile of books beside him. He's been reading, trying to keep his mind off other things, unable to sleep even if he'd wanted to try. He doesn't know what else to do at two-in-the-morning, since the last time he'd tried distracting himself, it hadn't turned out well at all, at all.

How many hyper-vodkas did I have that night, anyway?

And then he'd helped make things better with the Doctor, who managed to remove the traces of the Vortex from Rose - and then his other self had 'chatted' with the Time Lord, and nothing was quite the same.

Then the explosion, Rose's death, Artemis gone as well, and so many others that -

No. Read something. Who gives a damn about you anyway? Cope with it, deal with it, Jackie-boy. You killed Rose and the Doctor will never forgive you. You're on your own now.

He scanned the shelves and reached for 'War and Peace', deciding that might get him through the rest of the night.

January 25th, 2008

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Down at the cemetary, Tim is waiting. He is dressed in his best (black of course), a thick book in one hand, waiting by the graves. He has set up a bunch of chairs, and patiently waits for everyone to settle in and show up, before he begins.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here together to join in mourning. We have lost a great many people, near and dear to us. Please, bow your head for a moment of silence, for those who have passed."

Tim bows his head, waiting.

When he raises his head again, he flips open his book. "In this life, we find ourselves in a veil of sorrow. But fear not, for those who have passed on pass on now to a better place, a place of peace and happiness. Beyond this world, there lies yet another, and there, they are laid to rest."

((OOC:There will be a thread in this post for each of those lost, please feel free to have your pup eulogise or just mourn underneath whichever ones you want.))

January 21st, 2008

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Who: Captain Jack Harkness/Rose Tyler, Any of the Whoverse Folk and Their Friends

When: Just after the explosion, then just before the residence comes crashing down.

Rating: R. (Character Death, Grief, Swearing, Guilt)

(With my apologies for the delay...)

Captain Jack Harkness has just had a lovely time 'dancing' with Rose, and is on his way to one of the bars for some champagne.

He doesn't know that dance will be their last.

As he passes through the Lobby, he's caught directly above the explosion, and is killed instantly, the remains of his body blasted through a wall.


Long live Jack Harkness. 

January 14th, 2008

Last dance

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Who: Rose & Jack
Where: Room 210
When: Leading up to the explosion
Why: Because these two deserve one last dance
Rating: Considering "dance" is, in the Who-verse particularly, a euphemism for sex, this is gonna be an NC-17. Viewer discretion and all that jazz.

It started out with a chance encounter in the hall. Small talk turned into flirting, flirting turned into come-ons, and soon it became clear (at least to Rose) that for the sake of public decency, their room was desperately needed. They chased each other upstairs like children, laughing and teasing, and once they were inside 210 and the door was closed, they began kissing passionately and tearing at each other's clothes. Rose broke the kiss to swiftly pull Jack's tshirt over his head, then continued to explore his mouth with her tongue as her hands went to the button on his jeans.
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