September 2011



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February 10th, 2011

[info]sunnystorm in [info]camulus

TO: 박태진 Oppa
FROM: me

Oppa!!!! I am going to punch you :D

[info]psyonic in [info]camulus

TO: Hyewon, Yeon
FROM: Aiden
Sun Hee is drunk texting me. And she said my hair was so great. And my eyes. W. T. F.

[info]npcbattlers in [info]camulus


hey man. i heard thalia and you split. what a stone cold b!! chin up tho, ur a foxy man from israel and all the jewish poon you're gonna get will be a BONZANA! anyway, take it easy. thinking of you. xo die oh nigh suss

[info]epiales in [info]camulus

TO: the zeusman
FROM: x.

it has been too long since chryso has been a man. it has become WORRISOME. will you help us find chryso a nice girl? we would be looking out for his best interests :)

[info]cocinar in [info]camulus


TO: elincita
FROM: maya

hola caramelo. i'm so excited to bake with you on sunday! voy al supermercado atm, so what kind of flavors do you want for the cake? & do u want edible flowers? lmk :*

[after her conversation with maya]
TO: ade
FROM: maya

having second thoughts?

[info]queenvi in [info]camulus


TO: Boy Who Cried Wolf (Ade)
FROM: The Queen
If you want to go down in history as the fucker who ruined tradition and severed ties with Amazon, tell me yourself instead if sending your pretty Grecian lamb to carry the message.

Following Ade's texts
TO: Elin
FROM: The Queen
Fwd: I'm going to leave it up to Elin and Freddie. There are plenty of other things that are more important about traditions between the two houses besides just parties. If Freddie decides he's fine with us holding it off till the next one, I'm cool with that.

Don't disappoint your sisters, Elin.

[info]sunnystorm in [info]camulus

TO: 박태진 Oppa
FROM: me

( ̄へ ̄)나 배고파.

I'm hungry

TO: zebra
FROM: me

Thank you last night was great!! You are so cuddleable and guess who else has hangovers?

[info]acidbro in [info]camulus

TO: Madame So-So

Hey Nadya. I have something important 2 discuss with you. Don't worry. Not pick up lines necessry, but I can add them in if you so desire.

[info]tyrs in [info]camulus

TO: freddie <3
FROM: moi

dskjfkjslkjsd i am having a hard time breathing and at first i was mad at you because why didn't you tell me psi was stealing the amazon-alpha party??? like how great of a time are you and abe going to have bonding anyway??? and it sucks, freddie, because you KNOW how important being social chair is to me and even if this all works out everyone's going to remember I'M the amazon social chair who was so hated by, idk, alphas and psis that she ruined tradition!

message #2 and now viveka says i have to MAKE you tell psi to agree to the second party of the year b/c that's what ade said or something and i really don't want to be hated by psi or to have our relationship used against us OR to be homeless so now i'm crying and i would really like it if you could just tell me what to do because i'm really angry at myself for being walked on right now. i'm supposed to be the nice girl who is strong enough to not get walked on! THIS IS YOUR FAUL

[info]npcbattlers in [info]camulus

TO: Nizhoni
FROM Mother

I realize you are probably avoiding my calls on purpose but I would like a moment of your time.

[info]cocinar in [info]camulus


TO: aiden
FROM: mamaya

officially in hate with every society except psi and omega

[after her conversation with aiden]
SUBJECT: ! URGENT: update.

all of you.

here's what's going to happen. psi force is no longer participating in the first joint-society party of the year with the alpha wolves. i will not allow my society to be passed around like we are unimportant or not a part of this decision. alpha and amazon, despite what some of your members may think, are not the only societies on campus. in fact, you are in the minority.

i instigated the situation. it is on my shoulders. therefore my house will be deciding who we plan our events with. elin is included in this email as a courtesy and because she is my friend. otherwise, as far as i'm concerned, amazon has nothing to do with this. it's between alpha and psi.

that being said: ade and chryso, we'll work on something once this blows over. we still want to plan something spectacular and bring our houses closer together--it's important. but we will not participate in such childish antics. ever.

amaya vega
la tormenta
president, ΤΨβ
junior representative of argentina

[info]npcbattlers in [info]camulus

TO: lil' cain
FROM: azrael cab for cutie

did you get my little present? i think you did but you don't want to tell your old man and that's fine! that's cool! however, don't expect me to shit out another feather just so you can tote it around like it's the ark of the covenant to all of your friends. i did that while cruising along the jersey shore and let's just say that connie salami can't take a hint. anyway, enough about me. how are you cain my boy? have you decided to drop the greek (like she's hot) and    her heathen pantheon that will burn in the fiery pits of HELfjnhjvfbnj sorry, the big guy got his spirit fingers on my phone for a sec. wow awkward uh i miss you and i can't wait to see you on parents day! one of them is false btw

ps. say shalom to little ariel for me!
pps. 99 demons but a bitch aint one.
ppps. your mother says shalom as well.