September 2011




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Sep. 16th, 2011


WHO: Danny Best [MIRACLE] and Tori Petraitis [THE PRINCE OF FLIES], tiny appearance by Brielle Le Blanc [GUARDIAN] & technically Yeon Son [GUMIHO]
WHEN: Future-dated to The Aftermath.
WHERE: The Tournament Arena, Camulus; Psi House, Camulus; various places in America and finally, Santa Monica, CA.
WHAT: Yeon's dead. Several days after the fact, Danny finally reacts. Tori follows him.
STATUS/RATING: Complete. PG-13 for some violence.
Yeon-Ah was dead. )

Aug. 28th, 2011


It's sunday afternoon and i've been sober for over 24 hours,let's fix this right now because it's not the fuck natural.

Later that day

To: Danny
From: Me
danny i think your hosuse is floatin.g

Aug. 21st, 2011


attack of the texts.

TEXTS FOR: Yeon, Maya, Brielle, Madara, Killian, Evie, Tori )

Aug. 8th, 2011


Texts To Hell

To: "Demons don't have genes" (Beelzebub)
From: Me

Hi I need money and my mother says lithuania's broke again.

Aug. 5th, 2011


Who: Tori Petraitis [PRINCE OF THE FLIES], Danny Best [MIRACLE] with mentions of Zdenka Novakova [CANNIBAL]
What: Narrative-Tori vs Airport Security
When:Friday Morning, Boston Airport
Rating:PG-13 for Tori's existence. Sorry. Jamie made me post this.

Security? What a weird rule. )

Aug. 1st, 2011



TO: Tori
    So you now for later, I made you and Danny a pack to take to New Orleans. It's in his room. There is bail money and a "If found, please call" note with my number on it. I know this request is pointless, but please be careful and not too reckless.

Jul. 26th, 2011


TO: Viktorus

Doing anything today?

To: Brielle <"">
FROM: Danny <"">

Jul. 24th, 2011


WHO: Madara Ieviņš [CONDUIT] and Viktorus Petraitis [PRINCE OF THE FLIES] with brief appearances by Slamet Smith [SIHIR] & Lilith
WHAT: Grounding.
WHERE: On campus somewhere and in Madara's headspace. The usual.
WHEN: Slightly backdated to sometime this afternoon before Tori did other things and after Madara left Slam asleep. I am so specific today.
STATUS: Complete log.

i wanna leave but the world won't let me go. )

Jul. 17th, 2011


texts to danny, tori )

Jul. 16th, 2011


From: Me

Hey, so. Thanks.

Jul. 13th, 2011


to: tim
from: myself & i
hey honey, you busy?

[sent after this]
to: tori
from: myself & i
going to be a little later than planned

Jul. 9th, 2011


WHO: Tori Petraitis [THE PRINCE OF FLIES] and Danny Best [MIRACLE]
WHEN: Back-dated to Thursday 7th July 2037, during/right after musical rehearsal.
WHERE: A little inside the auditorium, but mostly outside of it.
WHAT: Such things as Tori vs. the existence of Korean food, Danny’s best attempt at lying and the suitably ridiculous conclusion to a stupidly ridiculous bet.
STATUS/RATING: Complete! PG-13 for their swearing, talking about sex and Danny’s shameless flirting.
For a moment, Tori felt rather triumphant. He started laughing, chalking up Danny’s going away as an opportunity for him to sulk. He didn’t bother swift-stepping to catch up, choosing to remain in the background, smirking mercilessly. )


[Forward-dated to tomorrow around 10 am]
text messages to tori, brie, slam, tim )

Jul. 8th, 2011


TO: Viktorus

Park gave brie potions to take away morality. What number is his office?

[sent later]

TO: Yeon-Ah

Park gave brielle morality stripping potions. I'm in nyc with tori, think we're staying for the weekend. I'll be back on campus for training & maybe drinks tonight, but otherwise i'll see you monday.

Jul. 7th, 2011


text to seb )

text(s) to tori )

Jul. 6th, 2011



TO: tori

drugs stat i'll pay you back later

Jul. 4th, 2011


texts that are actually from danny's phone, sent mid-afternoon.

TO: Viktorus

Mate, it's been an hour. Where the bloody hell are you?

TO: Maya my President

How's your day going, sweetheart?

TO: Cella

Bloody good night, then?

EDIT: Texts sent later than the others, shortly after the alert Slam set on Danny's phone went off

TO: Yeon-Ah, Slam

No bloody clue which of you has which phone, but slam you've got something on tonight my cell is telling me youd be an asshole to forget

Jul. 3rd, 2011


TO: Maya
FROM: Sam's phone
I love you. I want to see you smile like you used to :)

TO: Ursa
FROM: Sam's phone

TO: Tori
FROM: Sam's phone


Who:Viktorus Petraitis and the entire world
What:Post-it notes!
When:Earlyearly Sunday Morning

xoxo gossip demon )

Jul. 2nd, 2011


Who: Viktorus Petraitis and Brielle LeBlanc
When: Tonight really late;1-2am Sunday maybe
What: Tori talks to demons; must warn Brielle of the error of her ways
Status:PG for inevitable Toriswears/Completed Log

This black magic witchy shit )

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