December 2013



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Party Time

Who: Anyone invited to the Greengrass holiday party.
What: A rip-roaring time.
Where: Green Knoll, near Tintagel, Cornwall.
When: Saturday, 28 December 1997. 6 PM til. . .??? (I'm putting this up a night early, if anyone wants to get their party on.)
Status: Open for OOC/IC threads!

Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving.
Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas.
No, no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here.
We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas
since Bing Crosby tapdanced with Danny-fuckin’-Kaye.
And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find
the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse. )


Owl to Neville Longbottom - arrived with the morning post )


WHO: Samson Capper and Ursula Flint.
WHAT: Getting caught under mistletoe - just after that discussion they had about letting things trail off in public. Shit.
WHERE: Just outside the Great Hall.
WHEN: Sunday, December 15.
RATING: PG for awkward claws.
STATUS: Complete log!

Wow, this was actually terrible. Whoever invented this custom was some sort of sadist. )


a christmas of iron livers ahoy

Owls to the Avery, Bulstrode, Burke, Crabbe, Davis, Flint, Goyle, Macmillan, Malfoy, Nott, Parkinson, Patil, Selwyn, Smith, Travers, and Zabini households. )

Additional owl to the Smith household. )

[OOC: PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I FORGOT A LIKELY FAMILY (like Purist, Sacred 28, and/or DE-aligned types). I already did it once and I probably did it again. XD]


Left on Andy Kirke's bed (probably by Ritchie because apparently Ursula begs favors off him all the time) )


QUIDDITCH: Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw

QUIDDITCH: Hufflepuff vs. Ravenclaw )


Left on Samson Capper's bed somewhere between breakfast and lunch )


Letter to Daphne & Astoria Greengrass, from Lyle Greengrass. Delivered over lunch. )

Delivered to June Chambers via Ursula Flint, for Stella Fawcett )




NOTE: This is posted early so that everyone can have a chance to respond and also do logs if they so wish! Fangtastic is the 26th (Saturday night), from 6pm-9pm.


Owl to Megan Jones - arrived with the morning post )


Owl to Marcus Flint )

Owl to Desdemona Davis )


WHO: Geoffrey Hooper and Ursula Flint.
WHEN: Thursday afternoon.
WHERE: Around the lake somewhere.
SUMMARY: Ursula is hiding. Geoffrey attempts to be nice. It has mixed results.
STATUS: Complete!

My thoughts have been getting me in trouble lately )


Anonymous message for Millicent Bulstrode )

Anonymous message for Ursula Flint )




Owl to Ursula Flint )

Owl to Desdemona Davis )


WHO: Samson Capper and Ursula Flint
WHEN: 6:30 AM, October 1, 1997.
WHERE: Quidditch pitch.
SUMMARY: Ursula doesn't really think this is a good idea, guys.
RATING: PG-13 for an F-bomb.
STATUS: Complete.

The point is, I've waited for you. And I can wait longer, if this is what you really think you have to do. )


Left on Tracey's bed - probably by Opal )


Owl to Marcus Flint )



WHO: All students!
WHERE: Dark Arts classroom
WHAT: Dark Arts practical
WHEN: During their respective hours.

Dingy Lobbing | Similar to oppugno, Dingy Lobbing [malum vomito], is a spell that allows you to cast items of varying destruction into the body of your opponent or other objects (incl. walls, doors, etc.).
Students will begin with simple paper airplanes for the first fifteen minutes of practical application--directed at their bears. The students will be challenged to progress to quills, beads, and tacks. Whoever can get a tack to stick into the bear will be awarded 5 house points.

Note! Students are expected to bring their BOOKS during Tuesday's theory/history lesson and their BUDDIES on practical sessions unless otherwise noted.


Owl to Ursula Flint )

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