December 2013



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IC/OOC: All Aboard!

WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Hogwarts Express, Scotland --> London
WHEN: 9 o'clock AM to 5 o'clock PM

Train Whistle Noise Here )


WHO: Tilly Dawlish and Sullivan Burke.
WHEN: 18 December 1997, during Dark Arts.
WHERE: Dark Arts classroom.
STATUS: Completed log.

Even she didn't think Sully would be childish enough to throw a comb at her. )


Left on Tilly's Bed December 18th )


WHO: Tilly Dawlish and Brian Finkley.
WHEN: BACKDATED to December 14, during the Slug Club party.
WHERE: Professor Slughorn's office.
SUMMARY: Having a ~dance~.
RATING: PG-13 for things discussed.
STATUS: Complete.

Christmas had just become his favorite holiday. )


IC/OOC: Slug Club Holiday Party

WHO: The Slug Club
WHERE: Slughorn's Office
WHAT: Slug Club's Holiday Party
WHEN: December 14 at 7:00 PM.

Slug Club Holiday Party! )


Owl to all Slug Club Members, along with a small packet of Mini Candy Canes )


Left for Tilly on her bed )


Left on Tilly's bed via a Gryffindette )




NOTE: This is posted early so that everyone can have a chance to respond and also do logs if they so wish! Fangtastic is the 26th (Saturday night), from 6pm-9pm.


Delivered to Tilly Dawlish at lunch via random Hufflepuff firstie )


WHO: Any interested (or not) Gryffindors!
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHERE: Gryffindor common room
SUMMARY: Geoffrey does a public performance.
RATING: Let's keep it PG-13, y'all.
STATUS: In-progress. IDK what the interest would be, but thought I'd throw it up just in case!

So directly after this entry and Opal's unsuccessful attempts to be his friend, Geoffrey flung his journal on his bed and stomped downstairs with his guitar. He played and sang a few tunes, got himself in a somewhat better mood, and tolerated sing-alongs and took requests (his singing sounds like this). He knows a variety of magical and Muggle songs. He started out with this version of "Ziggy Stardust" (take that, Draco Malfoy).

Comment if your character wanted anything! Or joined in. Or... tried to take away his guitar. Etc.


WHO: Tilly Dawlish and Brian Finkley.
WHEN: October 12, after lunch.
WHERE: Outdoors.
SUMMARY: Things are discussed and plans are finalized.
STATUS: Complete.

You're just extra special, when it comes to my violent streak. )


OOC/IC log.

WHO: Brian Finkley and his friends!
WHAT: Brian's "birthday party" aka lunch aka let's eat food and cake.
WHEN: October 5, 1997 around 11am to 2pm? Idk, whenever.
WHERE: Outside, in the quad.
RATING: Let's not go over PG-13?

Tilly invited a bunch of people here but if your character is also a friend of Brian's, please pretend like she invited them, as well. :>

Anyway, she brought out some food with a few people (any takers?) and sort of set up a ~picnic area~ so that they can have just chilled there. And she totally stole some butterbeer from Thursday for this event, so there were plenty of bottles of that, as well. Brian was supposed to come in later with Ursula Flint, so she was hoping that he wasn't going to be a grouch about it on his BIRTHDAY. Tilly would have attempted to keep the mood light and avoided talking about politics, because UGH BORING. She would have encouraged people to play any games or whatever they wanted, and would have sang with some people if they wanted to!!

So whatever, have fun hurr~


WHO: Tilly Dawlish and Brian Finkley.
WHEN: BACKDATED to September 30 night, after Slug Club meeting.
WHERE: Halls.
SUMMARY: Tilly is a little smashed.
STATUS: Complete.

It was a nice ending to an interesting day, all things considered. )


IC/OOC: Slug Club

WHO: The Slug Club
WHERE: Slughorn's Office
WHAT: The Slug Club's first get-together
WHEN: Directly after dinner

Welcome to the Slug Club! )


Posted on Professor Slughorn's office door )


WHO: Amycus Carrow and Tilly Dawlish
WHEN: Just before breakfast
WHERE: Amycus Carrow's office
SUMMARY: Tilly narks
STATUS: Complete

Tell me, Miss Dawlish. What weighs heavily on your mind? )


WHO: Brian Finkley and Tilly Dawlish
WHEN: 9/12 in the afternoon.
WHERE: Greenhouse steps.
SUMMARY: Brian and Tilly discuss politics among other things.
STATUS: Complete!

Tilly was well aware of the fact that she needed to make up her mind about the wizarding world right now. )



WHO: All students!
WHERE: Dark Arts classroom
WHAT: Dark Arts practical
WHEN: During their respective hours.

Dingy Lobbing | Similar to oppugno, Dingy Lobbing [malum vomito], is a spell that allows you to cast items of varying destruction into the body of your opponent or other objects (incl. walls, doors, etc.).
Students will begin with simple paper airplanes for the first fifteen minutes of practical application--directed at their bears. The students will be challenged to progress to quills, beads, and tacks. Whoever can get a tack to stick into the bear will be awarded 5 house points.

Note! Students are expected to bring their BOOKS during Tuesday's theory/history lesson and their BUDDIES on practical sessions unless otherwise noted.



WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Muggle Studies classroom
WHEN: Wednesday, September 4th, 1997 (different time slots for different years)
WHAT: The first Muggle Studies lesson

5 Things )

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