December 2013



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Who: Theodore Nott and Daphne Greengrass.
What: Daphne instigates an awkward-as-hell conversation.
Where: The barn at Green Knoll.
When: Monday, 30 December 1997. Afternoon.
Status: Log, Incomplete -- posted for activity check purposes.

I was just looking for another opinion. From someone who actually thinks about things, for themselves. )


Party Time

Who: Anyone invited to the Greengrass holiday party.
What: A rip-roaring time.
Where: Green Knoll, near Tintagel, Cornwall.
When: Saturday, 28 December 1997. 6 PM til. . .??? (I'm putting this up a night early, if anyone wants to get their party on.)
Status: Open for OOC/IC threads!

Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving.
Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas.
No, no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here.
We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas
since Bing Crosby tapdanced with Danny-fuckin’-Kaye.
And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find
the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse. )


Who: Blaise Zabini and Daphne Greengrass.
What: A day at the museum is only marginally less eyebrow-raising than a trip to Diagon Alley.
Where: The London Museum of Wizard History.
When: Monday, 23 December 1997. Early afternoon.
Status: Complete log.

Have you had a chance to see our new exhibit? )


Who: Tracey Davis, Daphne Greengrass, and Desdemona Davis.
What: Patronusing after a long winter’s nap.
Where: The Davis home in Dinas Powys.
When: Saturday, 21 December 1997. Lunch time.
Status: Complete log.

A jet of silver whooshed out, quickly resolving itself into a hawk which fixed two sharp black eyes upon the girls before it flew off once more, disappearing into ribbons of similar-hued smoke. )


Christmas presents!

So instead of flooding the main community with a bajillion owls/presents posts, we thought it would be better to have one singular post with all the presents. Just follow this format, making sure to including character's name, recipient's name, gift (links are absolutely NOT required!), and when it is delivered.


This is simply for fun, and not required. We know that shopping for people (and especially fictional characters!) can be hard, so don't feel obligated to participate in this. Happy holidays, everyone!


IC/OOC: All Aboard!

WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Hogwarts Express, Scotland --> London
WHEN: 9 o'clock AM to 5 o'clock PM

Train Whistle Noise Here )


IC/OOC: Slug Club Holiday Party

WHO: The Slug Club
WHERE: Slughorn's Office
WHAT: Slug Club's Holiday Party
WHEN: December 14 at 7:00 PM.

Slug Club Holiday Party! )


Who: Regina Avery & Daphne Greengrass. Pseudo-cameo by a bewildered Theodore Nott.
What: Daphne finally makes good on one of her kiss threats.
Where: The corridor near Slughorn’s classroom.
When: Thursday, 12 December. Shortly before Potions.
Status: Complete.



a christmas of iron livers ahoy

Owls to the Avery, Bulstrode, Burke, Crabbe, Davis, Flint, Goyle, Macmillan, Malfoy, Nott, Parkinson, Patil, Selwyn, Smith, Travers, and Zabini households. )

Additional owl to the Smith household. )

[OOC: PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I FORGOT A LIKELY FAMILY (like Purist, Sacred 28, and/or DE-aligned types). I already did it once and I probably did it again. XD]


Owl to all Slug Club Members, along with a small packet of Mini Candy Canes )


Left for Sullivan Burke in the Slytherin common room Thursday morning )


Who: Regina Avery & Daphne Greengrass.
What: A discussion about Student Authority developments and BOYS.
Where: Château de Greengrass - aka Daphne’s bed.
When: Tuesday, 19 November 1997. Evening. [BACKDATED]
Status: Complete.

Would you rather that you were not friends? Given that it doesn’t sound as if he left you much choice in the matter? )


Passed off to Theodore Nott in the Slytherin common room, sometime after dinner on Thursday 21 November [backdate]. )


Sent up to the hospital wing after dinner Sunday night, marked for Sully Burke )


WHO: Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis.
WHEN: Friday evening [backdated].
WHERE: Around the lake somewhere.
SUMMARY: Moaaaaaar Patronus frustrations. Also discussions of first kisses and happy memories.
STATUS: Complete!

The tiniest of silvery wisps - barely a puff, even. Not enough to scare a Dementor away. )


Owl to Daphne Greengrass, from Irene Greengrass. Delivered at breakfast Saturday. )


Owl sent to Stella Fawcett -- please comment if your character signed the card! )
Owls sent to Lettie and Daphne )


Letter to Daphne & Astoria Greengrass, from Lyle Greengrass. Delivered over lunch. )

Delivered to June Chambers via Ursula Flint, for Stella Fawcett )


Left for Lisa at the Ravenclaw table over breakfast. )


Who: Daphne & Astoria Greengrass.
What: Sisterly bonding over bad news.
Where: In a corridor not far from Slughorn’s office.
When: Saturday, 2 November 1997. After lunch.
Status: Complete narrative.

This wasn’t the way in which she expected the war to come to them. )

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