December 2013



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Muggle Studies Class

Today was a relatively low-key day, which involved a lot of reading. But! Fun reading!

The class was asked to read excerpts out of the book, Why I'm Glad I'm Not A Muggle by famed purist author Nicholas Rosier. The book has accounts of when Nicholas had run-ins with some pretty nasty Muggles, and how he was glad to have survived those tragedies, which took a toll on him and the those he loved.

Nicholas's viewpoints, though purist in many ways, are intended to be more humourous than anything and mocks Muggles' way of living. It is clear that he does not like Muggles, in the very least.

Alecto would have asked for volunteers (though she would have avoided calling on known troublemakers, cough cough) to read the excerpts out loud, and points were awarded to those students that read the excerpts with a particular oomph and enthusiasm.

Feel free to make up excerpts from the book, and post reactions to how your character would have reacted here.


IC/OOC: Muggle Studies Dioramas AND Journal Prompt!

Today was diorama show and tell day! Each group was asked to show their diorama off and explain why they had made it the way that they had. There were no obvious consequences for not doing a great job unless there was evident sabotage and/or cheek.

At the end of the class, Professor Alecto Carrow announced the second journal homework assignment. Students are expected to write a short paragraph regarding: “What Life Would Be Like if Muggles Didn't Exist” in their school journals. Students are encouraged over the next week to discuss/write comments on other students' essays to inspire discussion.

OOC NOTE: If you as a player don't have the time to write something like this, we're not going to have Alecto Carrow hold it against your character in game. This goes for all "journal entry homework assignments"! They are intended to be just for fun and plot purposes!


muggle studies class project: dioramas

Alecto greeted the class warmly and asked everyone how they were doing (expecting a chorus of positive answers). After everyone had settled down she brought out a large box (three feet square) and told everyone that they would be building their own version of 'Wiztopia'. They will be making dioramas in their groups. The assignment is due in one week, and they are given 'team captains' to ensure that everyone does the required amount of work.

7th Years
Team Wine: Regina Avery
Team Blue: Tracey Davis
Team Yellow: Millicent Bulstrode
Team Red: Pansy Parkinson
Team Green: Vincent Crabbe
Team Orange: Theodore Nott
Team Purple: Su Li

6th Years
Team Wine: Ursula Flint
Team Blue: Tilly Dawlish
Team Yellow: Lilith Moon
Team Red: Charlotte Orpington
Team Green: Maxfield Urquhart
Team Orange: June Chambers
Team Purple: Brian Finkley
Team Grey: Flora Wilkes

Feel free to share what your character's reactions would be to their group and beginning the project! What theme will they go with, etc. We encourage (and so does Alecto~) people meeting at other times and places to work on their project. Let the fun begin.


WHO: Alecto Carrow and all students
WHERE: Muggle Studies classroom
WHEN: Their respective hours
WHAT: A pop quiz!

Alecto would pass out a test that all students were expected to fill out and turn in by the end of the day. 'The results of this quiz determines how well you have done in class thus far.

The time that was not dedicated to the quiz involved reading 'Chapter Two: A World Without Muggles.'

If you have any OOC/IC reactions, feel free to post them! Any student who refused to do the quiz would not be allowed to leave until they had done it.

NOTE: Characters will find out whether they passed or failed through the journals.



WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Muggle Studies classroom
WHEN: Friday, September 6th, 1997 (different time slots for different years)
WHAT: The first Muggle Studies practical

Hot Hot Hot! )



WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Muggle Studies classroom
WHEN: Wednesday, September 4th, 1997 (different time slots for different years)
WHAT: The first Muggle Studies lesson

5 Things )



WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Dark Arts classroom
WHEN: Tuesday, September 3rd, 1997 (different time slots for different years)
WHAT: The first Dark Arts lesson

Build a Buddy Workshop! )


IC/OOC: Welcoming Feast

WHO: Everyone
WHERE: The Great Hall
WHEN: Evening of September 1st, 1997



IC/OOC: All Aboard!

WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Hogwarts Express, London --> Scotland
WHEN: 9 o'clock AM to 5 o'clock PM

Train Whistle Noise Here )




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