December 2013



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WHO: Jack and Ben Sloper
WHEN: Saturday Dec 21st, early evening
WHERE: Sloper House, Colwyn Bay
WHAT: Jack is listless and Ben is alive

Shouldn't you be dropping dead of exhaustion somewhere? )


IC/OOC: All Aboard!

WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Hogwarts Express, Scotland --> London
WHEN: 9 o'clock AM to 5 o'clock PM

Train Whistle Noise Here )




NOTE: This is posted early so that everyone can have a chance to respond and also do logs if they so wish! Fangtastic is the 26th (Saturday night), from 6pm-9pm.


Left on Demelza's Bed via a chirpy first year Gryffindor girl )


to jack sloper c/o hufflepuff 5th year sworn to secrecy


WHO: Any interested (or not) Gryffindors!
WHEN: Wednesday night
WHERE: Gryffindor common room
SUMMARY: Geoffrey does a public performance.
RATING: Let's keep it PG-13, y'all.
STATUS: In-progress. IDK what the interest would be, but thought I'd throw it up just in case!

So directly after this entry and Opal's unsuccessful attempts to be his friend, Geoffrey flung his journal on his bed and stomped downstairs with his guitar. He played and sang a few tunes, got himself in a somewhat better mood, and tolerated sing-alongs and took requests (his singing sounds like this). He knows a variety of magical and Muggle songs. He started out with this version of "Ziggy Stardust" (take that, Draco Malfoy).

Comment if your character wanted anything! Or joined in. Or... tried to take away his guitar. Etc.


WHO: Jack Sloper, Ananda Hooper and Patrick MacDougal
WHEN: Sunday evening
WHERE: Library
SUMMARY: Hogwarts' Spiderman (Jack Sloper) apprehends a budding criminal mastermind, as per the plot calender.
RATING: PG-13 for things that appear more suggestive than what they really are. You'll see.
STATUS: Complete!

Oi, Hooper )


Owl to Pansy Parkinson via Jack Sloper )

Owl to Jack Sloper )


Owl Post to Ben Sloper )


WHO: Morag MacDougal, Magnus MacDougal, Seamus Finnigan & cameo!Jack Sloper
WHEN: Evening, Thursday, 10 October
WHERE: The corridors of Hogwarts (gasp!) after hours.
SUMMARY: Morag learns some unpleasant news about her eldest brother, scandalous inter-house hand holding, and also Seamus is a Big Dumb Idiot.
RATING: PG-13 for lots of swears.
STATUS: Complete

Why aren’t you in the dungeon? I thought Slytherins leashed their younger years at night. )


Left at the Hufflepuff Table for Eloise Midgen )


floated over to Jack Sloper during dinnertime )


Owl to Hallie Sloper )



WHO: All students!
WHERE: Dark Arts classroom
WHAT: Dark Arts practical
WHEN: During their respective hours.

Dingy Lobbing | Similar to oppugno, Dingy Lobbing [malum vomito], is a spell that allows you to cast items of varying destruction into the body of your opponent or other objects (incl. walls, doors, etc.).
Students will begin with simple paper airplanes for the first fifteen minutes of practical application--directed at their bears. The students will be challenged to progress to quills, beads, and tacks. Whoever can get a tack to stick into the bear will be awarded 5 house points.

Note! Students are expected to bring their BOOKS during Tuesday's theory/history lesson and their BUDDIES on practical sessions unless otherwise noted.



WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Dark Arts classroom
WHEN: Tuesday, September 3rd, 1997 (different time slots for different years)
WHAT: The first Dark Arts lesson

Build a Buddy Workshop! )


IC/OOC: Welcoming Feast

WHO: Everyone
WHERE: The Great Hall
WHEN: Evening of September 1st, 1997



Owl Post to Ritchie Coote )


Owl Post to Ritchie Coote, Colin Creevey, Geoff Hooper, Andrew Kirke, Tilly Dawlish, Rachel Goldstein, Paige O'Malley, Demelza Robins, Ginny Weasley )


Owl to Jack Sloper )


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