December 2013



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Who: Theodore Nott and Daphne Greengrass.
What: Daphne instigates an awkward-as-hell conversation.
Where: The barn at Green Knoll.
When: Monday, 30 December 1997. Afternoon.
Status: Log, Incomplete -- posted for activity check purposes.

I was just looking for another opinion. From someone who actually thinks about things, for themselves. )


Party Time

Who: Anyone invited to the Greengrass holiday party.
What: A rip-roaring time.
Where: Green Knoll, near Tintagel, Cornwall.
When: Saturday, 28 December 1997. 6 PM til. . .??? (I'm putting this up a night early, if anyone wants to get their party on.)
Status: Open for OOC/IC threads!

Where do you think you're going? Nobody's leaving.
Nobody's walking out on this fun, old-fashioned family Christmas.
No, no. We're all in this together. This is a full-blown, four-alarm holiday emergency here.
We're gonna press on, and we're gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas
since Bing Crosby tapdanced with Danny-fuckin’-Kaye.
And when Santa squeezes his fat white ass down that chimney tonight, he's gonna find
the jolliest bunch of assholes this side of the nuthouse. )


IC/OOC: All Aboard!

WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Hogwarts Express, Scotland --> London
WHEN: 9 o'clock AM to 5 o'clock PM

Train Whistle Noise Here )


Parcel to Theodore Nott )

Parcel to Rachel Goldstein )

Parcel to Demelza Robins )


a christmas of iron livers ahoy

Owls to the Avery, Bulstrode, Burke, Crabbe, Davis, Flint, Goyle, Macmillan, Malfoy, Nott, Parkinson, Patil, Selwyn, Smith, Travers, and Zabini households. )

Additional owl to the Smith household. )

[OOC: PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I FORGOT A LIKELY FAMILY (like Purist, Sacred 28, and/or DE-aligned types). I already did it once and I probably did it again. XD]


Left on Theodore Nott's bedside table )


Given to Theodore Nott after Charms class [Backdated] )


Passed off to Theodore Nott in the Slytherin common room, sometime after dinner on Thursday 21 November [backdate]. )


Left on Theodore's dresser in the morning )


WHO: Geoffrey Hooper, Sullivan Burke, and special cameo by Theodore Nott!
WHEN: Tuesday night-ish.
WHERE: The PLAGUE centre, aka the hospital wing.
SUMMARY: Slippers at 10 paces.
RATING: PG. Some violence but it's pretty mild.
STATUS: Complete!

I'm dying! )


Packages to Theodore Nott, Lance Wolverhampton, and Sully Burke )




Small Parcel given to Pansy Parkinson via Slytherin 1st Year )

Small Parcel given to Regina Avery via Slytherin 1st Year )

Small Parcel given to Daphne Greengrass via Slytherin 1st Year )

Small Parcel given to Tracey Davis via Slytherin 1st Year )

Small Parcel given to Millicent Bulstrode via Slytherin 1st Year )

Left on Theodore, Blaise, Vincent, and Gregory's beds )




NOTE: This is posted early so that everyone can have a chance to respond and also do logs if they so wish! Fangtastic is the 26th (Saturday night), from 6pm-9pm.


Who: Daphne, Hannah, Lavender, Parvati, & Neville -- AND YOU.
What: Tarot readings with the 7th year Divination kids as proposed here.
Where: The Great Hall.
When: Friday, 25 October. 4PM.
Status: Open to anyone.

This evening some of the 7th year Divination students have decided to offer tarot card readings to any interested students. Want to know how best to ace that upcoming Transfiguration exam? What sort of career you ought to pursue after Hogwarts? How to go about securing a date with a special someone for the next Hogsmeade weekend? Which finger foods to avoid at “Fangtastic!”?

Stop by before dinner to ask your questions!


WHO: Daphne Greengrass & OPEN Theodore Nott.
WHEN: Around 3:30 in the afternoon, Monday 23 September.
WHERE: A random corridor in the castle, on the way down to the Slytherin Common Room.
SUMMARY: Daphne is returning from a pre-Charms Club fly around the Quidditch pitch and just may be in a chatty mood.
STATUS: Incomplete.

The ride was no where near as smooth as Daphne was accustomed, and she ended up with a splinter or two in her hand for her trouble. )


Backdated to September 21st.

Sent to Tracey Davis )



WHO: All students!
WHERE: Dark Arts classroom
WHAT: Dark Arts practical
WHEN: During their respective hours.

Dingy Lobbing | Similar to oppugno, Dingy Lobbing [malum vomito], is a spell that allows you to cast items of varying destruction into the body of your opponent or other objects (incl. walls, doors, etc.).
Students will begin with simple paper airplanes for the first fifteen minutes of practical application--directed at their bears. The students will be challenged to progress to quills, beads, and tacks. Whoever can get a tack to stick into the bear will be awarded 5 house points.

Note! Students are expected to bring their BOOKS during Tuesday's theory/history lesson and their BUDDIES on practical sessions unless otherwise noted.


Anonymous note left furtively beneath Theodore's pillow from when Tracey came up to deliver butterscotch cookies to Gregory.

    Go somewhere quiet with your journal. Cast Scarpin's Revelaspell on it. Hope your Arithmancy is up to the challenge.



WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Muggle Studies classroom
WHEN: Friday, September 6th, 1997 (different time slots for different years)
WHAT: The first Muggle Studies practical

Hot Hot Hot! )

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