December 2013



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a christmas of iron livers ahoy

Owls to the Avery, Bulstrode, Burke, Crabbe, Davis, Flint, Goyle, Macmillan, Malfoy, Nott, Parkinson, Patil, Selwyn, Smith, Travers, and Zabini households. )

Additional owl to the Smith household. )

[OOC: PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF I FORGOT A LIKELY FAMILY (like Purist, Sacred 28, and/or DE-aligned types). I already did it once and I probably did it again. XD]


WHO: Padma Patil and Stephen Cornfoot.
WHEN: Tuesday, 19 November, evening.
WHERE: Ravenclaw 7th year boy's dorm (so if they were there, they would have heard!)
SUMMARY: Padma looks for comfort in her best friend after Stephen kind of admits to knowing that she's involved with the DA
RATING: R for implied sexitimes.
STATUS: Complete

When you're weary, feeling small. When tears are in your eyes, I will dry them all. I'm on your side when times get rough and friends just can't be found. Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down. )


WHO: Padma Patil and Morag MacDougal
WHEN: 11 October, evening.
WHERE: Their Dormitory.
SUMMARY: Unexpected feels.
STATUS: Complete.

Of the two, coffee is more likely to keep me up all night. )


IC/OOC: Dumbledore's Army Meeting!

WHO: DA Members who would like to come and succeeded in getting past the Student Authority without getting caught.
WHAT: The first spell practice meeting since the days of Umbridge...
WHERE: The Room of Requirement.
WHEN: Midnight, after-hours.

Hannah was right. The practice dummy needed a new hat. Ginny had asked for a sombrero and the room (amazingly) provided. How Hogwarts had a sombrero...she didn't want to ask.

The general consensus was that they were there to practice defense spells! Ginny rattled off the ones they were talking about in the journals (the Patronus Charm, Disillusionment Charms), but they were there to practice anything and everything the group wanted.

Since it is very difficult to sneak out past hours without getting caught, please specify if your character had a hard time getting there/what methods they used or if they couldn't. PLEASE NOTE: With disillusionment charms, the charm doesn't act like an invisibility cloak, but makes the caster into a bit of a chameleon. They blend in with their surroundings, but they can still be very vaguely seen. Like all magic, the strength of the charm depends on the caster and how adept they are at charms. The spell can last 1 minute minimum, 3 minutes maximum. If they bump into/touch anything while the spell is active, it fades off! Also, Mrs. Norris can see through the charm. ;)






Owl to Naveen Patil )









WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Dark Arts classroom
WHEN: Tuesday, September 3rd, 1997 (different time slots for different years)
WHAT: The first Dark Arts lesson

Build a Buddy Workshop! )


IC/OOC: All Aboard!

WHO: Everyone!
WHERE: Hogwarts Express, London --> Scotland
WHEN: 9 o'clock AM to 5 o'clock PM

Train Whistle Noise Here )


Owl to Padma Patil )

Owl to Ursula Flint, sent via Tracey's raven )


Hannah, Parvati and Neville prepared sandwich wraps, brought apples and biscuits (and painted Neville's nails jk jk or am I?) before going to meet everyone at The Leaky Cauldron at eleven. Hannah suggested that they split into two teams (one for Hogsmeade, one for Diagon Alley. She split up the teams like this, if everyone is okay with it:

Hannah Abbott
Danny Summerby
Lavender Brown
Parvati Patil
Ernie Macmillan
Su Li
Padma Patil
Neville Longbottom


WHO: Padma Patil and Tracey Davis.
WHAT: Two nerds meet up to discuss a recently read book [synopsis].
WHEN: July 1997 sometime.
WHERE: Hogsmeade, Scottish Highlands.
STATUS: Complete

If you think about it, society hasn’t changed very much. )


Owl to Padma Patil

Owl to Padma Patil )


Owl to Anthony Goldstein )


Owl to Morag MacDougal )


Owl to Padma Patil )


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