Oct. 19th, 2011


Quidditch Weekly! Siblings! Stats! Interviews and more! )

Oct. 17th, 2011


Who: Nathan and Lena
Where: Some nice restaurant in the middle of BFE.
When: 17 October, early evening
What: Nathan is taking Lena out for the evening.
Warnings: None at the moment.

This was either a good idea, or a really bad one. He had still to determine which one this was. )

Oct. 11th, 2011


Who: Sydney Hopkins and Open!
Where: Three Broomsticks!
When: 11 October, early evening
What: Sydney is enjoying dinner.
Warnings: None at the moment.

Life was kind of funny sometimes, and it'd been a while since she'd laughed like that )


Who: Miss Clara Finch-Fletchley and Open!
Where: The Dirty Glass
When: 11 October, evening.
What: Clara is at work!
Warnings: None probably, all depends on who pops in.

Its not really work if you love what you do...sometimes )

Oct. 30th, 2010


Who: Sydney Hopkins and her party guests! (Aka open to everyone!)
What: Isabella and Sydney's annual Halloween Party! (I made in already in progress to skip that awkward arrival phase. Also, feel free to start your own thread lines here!)
When: Saturday, October 30, 2025.
Where: Isabella and Sydney's flat!

She had a lot of energy that rarely had anything to do with a sugar rush. )


Owl to Kane Rivers

Owl to Kane Rivers )

Oct. 29th, 2010


(backdated to yesterday)

Package to Leia )

Oct. 27th, 2010


Who: Teddy Lupin and Danny Macmillan
What: Guy time?
When: Wednesday, October 27, 2025.
Where: Hogsmeade

... )


Who: Nathan Montague and Fiona Smith
What: Nathan is at work and Fiona is undercover.
When: Wednesday, October 27, 2025.
Where: Bezoar's location in Hogsmeade.

Just another day in paradise...or something like that. )

Oct. 24th, 2010


Who: JJ ([info]theheadharpy), Bella ([info]extendableears), Patrick ([info]likely_story), Jamie ([info]prankingpotter), Lily ([info]noboysneeded), Dan ([info]danandtheroids) and Eric ([info]thisiseric)
What: Harpy Family Dinner!
When: Sunday October 24th, late afternoon/early evening
Where: JJ’s house

Food was served family style, with at least one thing that everyone was guaranteed to enjoy. )

Oct. 23rd, 2010


Who: Ewan Bradley & Rose Weasley
Where: Work, then out for coffee
When: Friday, October 22, 2025 probably late afternoon
Rating: Low
Status: Incomplete

warms you right to the bone )

Oct. 22nd, 2010


In which I give out presents....

Owl to Victoire Weasley )

Owls to Rosie Weasley, Nora Moran and Cam Alverez )

Oct. 16th, 2010


Breakfast at Mara's

Who: Caitlyn Hollyer, Daniel Macmillan
When: 13 October, 2025, morning
Where: Mara's cafe
What: Danny and Caitlyn meet for breakfast
Status: Complete

The morning started in a tree and ended with pancakes )

Oct. 6th, 2010


Who: Dominique Weasely and Murphy Moran
When: 6 October 2025
Where: It's a surprise!
What: Getting back to basics
Status: In Progress
Rating: tbd!

Whoops )

Oct. 4th, 2010


Who: Quinn Rivers and Molly Weasley
When: 4 October 2025
Where: Quidditch Quality Supplies
What: Quinn's begging the clock to go faster.
Status: In Progress
Rating: tbd!

Damn you clock )