Aug. 31st, 2011


Owl: Quinn Rivers

Owl: Quinn Rivers )


[Who] Cam & Connor
[What] Connor comes to visit her and set some things straight.
[When] Wednesday Evening
[Where] Spain
[Rating] PG13
[Status] Complete

Since when are you only a little thick headed? )

Aug. 27th, 2011


Who: Mr. and Mrs. Macmillan and their wedding guests
When: 27 August, 2026, evening
Where: The reception!
Rating: Low.
Notes: Anyone who you feel would have been invited can post!

You're conjugally invited to party down and celebrate )

Aug. 25th, 2011


[Who] Murphy & Connor
[What] Murphy smacks some sense (literally) into his younger brother.
[Where] Connor's place
[When] Thursday Evening
[Rating] S for Swears. It's the Moran's after all.

And it was more than because she's me with tits and an actual ass. )

Aug. 15th, 2011


Who: Patrick and his trusty sidekick Leia...or the other way around.
When: 15 August, 2026, afternoon
What: Patrick is doing what he does best, take care of people.
Where: Leia's flat.
Rating: Lowish, but probalby some language.
Status: Incomplete.

I won't even hit back. )

Aug. 6th, 2011


Quidditch Weekly!

Quidditch Weekly )

Aug. 3rd, 2011


Who: Araceli and Daniel
When: 3 August, 2026, afternoon
What: Danny finally wakes up.
Where: St. Mungo's, Spell Damage Ward for Long Term Care
Rating: Lowish, a bit of language on Dan's end.
Status: Incomplete.

The lights were too bright )