Feb. 21st, 2011


Who: Nathan Montague and Apolline Yaxley
What: Nates Apolline some sound advice
Where: Nate's flat
When: 21 February, 2026
Rating: TBD!
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Feb. 17th, 2011


Who: Connor and Cam
What: Cam's got a little bombshell. Just a little one.
Where: Connor's flat.
When: 17 February, 2026
Rating: Watch for language
Status: Incomplete

Awkward with a capital A )

Feb. 15th, 2011


Valentine Owls

Owl to Kane )

Owl to Danny )

Owl to Patrick )

Owl to Jamie )

Owl to Albus )

Feb. 7th, 2011


Who: January MacPhail, Bella White, Luken White, Patrick Macmillan, Danny Macmillan, Leia Macmillan, Eric Macmillan, Sydney Hopkins, Kane Rivers, Lily Potter, Jamie Potter, Albus Potter, Frank Longbottom
What: JJ throws the first “family get together” since her accident.
Where: JJ’s House
When: January 6th 2026 (Backdated to yesterday)
Rating: Lowish... until later
Status: Incomplete

Party time! )

Feb. 1st, 2011


Who: Nathan Montague and Leia Macmillan
What: Nathan defends his honor...of sorts.
Where: Bezoar, Hogsmeade; evening.
When: 1 February 2026
Rating: TBD; some language.
Status: Incomplete

Got my good side up the ready. The other one's on the mend. )