Aug. 31st, 2011


Owl: Quinn Rivers

Owl: Quinn Rivers )

Aug. 25th, 2011


[Who] Murphy & Connor
[What] Murphy smacks some sense (literally) into his younger brother.
[Where] Connor's place
[When] Thursday Evening
[Rating] S for Swears. It's the Moran's after all.

And it was more than because she's me with tits and an actual ass. )

Jun. 12th, 2011


Who: Medea Zabini & Murphy Moran
Why: D4 of Doom says so
Where: Veritas Tattoos
When: Afternoonish
Rating: TBD

Medea was lounging with a sketchbook )

Jun. 8th, 2011


Who: Connor Moran and Open
What: Operation liquormelon and Barbecue.
Where: Murphy and Dominique's backyard
When: 8 June, 2026; evening
Rating: Language and drinking.
Note: PARTY THREAD. If you're friends (or related, or are a friend of a friend or hell, just caught wind and decided to show up) with either of the boys drop on by!

It's a backyard barbecue...Moran style. )

Feb. 14th, 2011


Left on 'a surface' in the Junk Shop )

Owl to Rose Weasley )

Nov. 13th, 2010


Who: Murphy and Dominique Moran, and their wedding gusts.
What: They're getting married!
Where: The wedding and the reception afterwords!
When: 13 November, 2025.
Notes: We went a head and wrote out the ceremony so that means the thread picks up during the reception! Feel free to have your part of the reception take place at any time. Also, we tried to make it so that every player had at least one character who was able to go, so no one got left out, if I missed anyone please let me know!

We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls... )


Who: Murphy and Connor Moran
What: Connor is sent to "watch" his brother.
Where: A side room where the wedding ceremony is happening.
When: 13 November, 2025, about 1:30 ish.
Rating: Low- watch for language.
Complete/Incomplete: Complete.

Usually, I’m afraid when you say things like that. )

Oct. 6th, 2010


Who: Dominique Weasely and Murphy Moran
When: 6 October 2025
Where: It's a surprise!
What: Getting back to basics
Status: In Progress
Rating: tbd!

Whoops )

Sep. 27th, 2010


Who: Cam Alverez, Connor Moran, Murphy Moran, Quinn Rivers, and npc!Cormac Rivers
When: 25 Saturday 2025 (backdated)
Where: A bar in London
What: Cam and Quinn prove that they really can't play nicely and drag their friends along for the ride.
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13, watch for a lot of language.

You know, people would pay good money to see two girls throw down )