November 2011



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Aug. 31st, 2011


[Who] Cam & Connor
[What] Connor comes to visit her and set some things straight.
[When] Wednesday Evening
[Where] Spain
[Rating] PG13
[Status] Complete

Since when are you only a little thick headed? )

Aug. 25th, 2011


[Who] Murphy & Connor
[What] Murphy smacks some sense (literally) into his younger brother.
[Where] Connor's place
[When] Thursday Evening
[Rating] S for Swears. It's the Moran's after all.

And it was more than because she's me with tits and an actual ass. )

Jul. 22nd, 2011


Who: Cam and Connor
What: The enviable has finally happened.
Where: Connor's flat
When: 22 July, morning.
Rating: Bit of language but it's pretty tame.
Status: Complete

what...the.... )

Jun. 13th, 2011


Owl to Connor )

Jun. 8th, 2011


Who: Connor Moran and Open
What: Operation liquormelon and Barbecue.
Where: Murphy and Dominique's backyard
When: 8 June, 2026; evening
Rating: Language and drinking.
Note: PARTY THREAD. If you're friends (or related, or are a friend of a friend or hell, just caught wind and decided to show up) with either of the boys drop on by!

It's a backyard barbecue...Moran style. )

May. 18th, 2011


Who: Connor and OTA
What: Connor finally gets away for a bit.
Where: Diagon Alley
When: 18 May 2026; late evening/early morning
Rating/Status: Maybe a bit of language, who am I kidding "might be". Ha./ Incomplete

All twinkly and stupid )

May. 4th, 2011


Owl to Connor Moran )

Apr. 1st, 2011


Owl to Connor Moran )

Mar. 29th, 2011


Who: Medea and Connor
What: Two friends grabbing lunch
Where: The pub near the shop
When: Backdated to Sunday the 27th, lunch time.
Rating/Status: Language!/Incomplete

Connor Logic )

Mar. 25th, 2011


Owl to Nora Moran )

Mar. 17th, 2011


Who: Rox, Medea, Connor, Mac, The boys, Who Ever
Where: Vertias Tattoos and Piercings then the Dirty Glass
Rating R: Drunk Girls, Drunk Boys, Drunk IRISH boys.
When: Sometime after lots of booze in the evening
What: Tattoo Party of Drunken Awesome

Who thought this was a good idea? )

Mar. 16th, 2011


Who: Medea Zabini & Connor Moran
What: Random fun of doom.
Where: Vertias Tattoos and Piercings
Why: Because?
Rating: PG13 or more, language
Status: In Progress

Tattoos = Love, Love = Tattoos )

Feb. 17th, 2011


Who: Connor and Cam
What: Cam's got a little bombshell. Just a little one.
Where: Connor's flat.
When: 17 February, 2026
Rating: Watch for language
Status: Incomplete

Awkward with a capital A )

Jan. 26th, 2011


Left on Connor's bed

Left on Connor's bed )

Dec. 31st, 2010


Who: Open to EVERYONE.
What: Ringing in the New Year
Where: The Dirty Glass
When: New Years Eve! Feel free to post these at any time during the evening!
Rating: Various! Watch for drunken shenanigans.
Notes: Just post your kids' name and if there's a specific time (after midnight for example) and who the that thread is for (aka Quinn and Kane, or Quinn and Open!) muli-threads are okay.

This is the final countdown )

Dec. 14th, 2010


Who: Connor Moran and open to anyone
What: Connor's hung over and not in the mood.
When: 14 December, 2025, morning.
Where: The Junk Shop, where else?
Rating: PG-13 purely because I can't guarantee that what comes out of Connor's mouth will be appropriate for all ages.
Status: Incomplete

Yeah...mornings...not happening. )

Nov. 21st, 2010


Who: Maggie Davies and Connor Moran
What: catching up on a bar stool
Where: The Dirty Glass
When: Sunday night
Rating: TBD
Complete/Incomplete: incomplete


Nov. 13th, 2010


Who: Murphy and Connor Moran
What: Connor is sent to "watch" his brother.
Where: A side room where the wedding ceremony is happening.
When: 13 November, 2025, about 1:30 ish.
Rating: Low- watch for language.
Complete/Incomplete: Complete.

Usually, I’m afraid when you say things like that. )

Oct. 1st, 2010


Call this an olive branch.

Who: Cam Alverez, Connor Moran, and Quinn Rivers
When: 01 October 25
Where: In front of Flourish and Blotts, then to the mysteriously closed up shop on Diagon Alley (#28)
What: Cam unveils the reason for all the lawyers as an "I'm sorry I was such a bitch" present.
Status: In Progress
Rating: PG-13, watch for a lot of language.

A very large olive branch. In the form of a bar. )

Sep. 30th, 2010


Owl to Nora Moran )

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