Nov. 13th, 2010


Who: Murphy and Dominique Moran, and their wedding gusts.
What: They're getting married!
Where: The wedding and the reception afterwords!
When: 13 November, 2025.
Notes: We went a head and wrote out the ceremony so that means the thread picks up during the reception! Feel free to have your part of the reception take place at any time. Also, we tried to make it so that every player had at least one character who was able to go, so no one got left out, if I missed anyone please let me know!

We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls... )

Nov. 6th, 2010


[Who]: Jamie Potter & Dominique Weasley
[Where]: Hogsmeade Inn and then who knows
[When]: Saturday Afternoon?
[What]: Cousin bonding time
[Rating]: Low
[Status]: Incomplete

Jamie to the rescue )

Oct. 6th, 2010


Who: Dominique Weasely and Murphy Moran
When: 6 October 2025
Where: It's a surprise!
What: Getting back to basics
Status: In Progress
Rating: tbd!

Whoops )

Sep. 9th, 2010


Who: Dominique Weasley and open!
When: Thursday afternoon!
Where: Diagon Ally
What: Dominique is escaping from her mother on a mission
Status: Incomple - Open to anyone