Sep. 27th, 2010


Who: Cam Alverez, Connor Moran, Murphy Moran, Quinn Rivers, and npc!Cormac Rivers
When: 25 Saturday 2025 (backdated)
Where: A bar in London
What: Cam and Quinn prove that they really can't play nicely and drag their friends along for the ride.
Status: Complete
Rating: PG-13, watch for a lot of language.

You know, people would pay good money to see two girls throw down )

Sep. 23rd, 2010


Who: Sydney Hopkins and open!
When: Thursday later afternoon.
Where: The Blue Rose Gallery, London.
What: Sydney is trying to kill sometime at work, and thankfully she gets interrupted.
Status: Incomplete

clack clack clack )


|[ WHO ]| Rogue Hollyer
|[ WHERE ]| Carousel
|[ WHEN ]| Thursday, September 23 | 1:00 PM
|[ WHAT ]| Lunch
|[ OPEN ]| Open!

Honestly, some people were just so close-minded. )

Sep. 15th, 2010


Who: Daniel Macmillan and Fiona Smith
When: Wednesday afternoon
Where: Ministry of Magic/London
What: Danny and Fi go out for some lunch to break up the day a little.
Status: Incomplete

You want me to eat what now? )

Sep. 9th, 2010


Who: Dominique Weasley and open!
When: Thursday afternoon!
Where: Diagon Ally
What: Dominique is escaping from her mother on a mission
Status: Incomple - Open to anyone