Mar. 30th, 2011


Who: Mercy and Nathan
What: Nate's got some 'splaining to do.
Where: Nathan's flat
When: Wednesday 30 March
Rating/Status: tbd/Incomplete

... )

Mar. 29th, 2011


Who: Medea and Connor
What: Two friends grabbing lunch
Where: The pub near the shop
When: Backdated to Sunday the 27th, lunch time.
Rating/Status: Language!/Incomplete

Connor Logic )

Mar. 28th, 2011


Who: Quinn and Cormac
What: Cormac is being the best older brother ever.
Where: St. Anthony's Hospital, Cork.
When: Monday 28 March, 2026
Rating/Status: Language!/Completeish

Now's not the time to breakdown )

Mar. 26th, 2011


[who] Lucy and Molly!
[what] Shopping and Stories!
[when] Friday afternoon (backdated)
[rating] PG?
[status] incomplete

Once upon a time there was a SHOE MONSTER! )


Who: Lucy Weasley and Marc Montague
What: Secret friends meeting for lunch.
Where: Fong Chong's, Marc and Lu's secret meeting place in Muggle London.
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating/Status: PG/Incomplete

Where we're heading, there's just no knowing )

Mar. 19th, 2011


Who: Quinn Rivers and Ian Slater
What: Megan is living vicariously though Quinn They need to have a talk.
Where: Ian's place
When: Saturday, early evening.
Rating/Status: tbd/Incomplete

Yeah, so, sorry about that. )

Mar. 17th, 2011


Who: Rox, Medea, Connor, Mac, The boys, Who Ever
Where: Vertias Tattoos and Piercings then the Dirty Glass
Rating R: Drunk Girls, Drunk Boys, Drunk IRISH boys.
When: Sometime after lots of booze in the evening
What: Tattoo Party of Drunken Awesome

Who thought this was a good idea? )

Mar. 16th, 2011


Left on Nora's kitchen table Wednesday morning )


Who: Mercy Flint and Nathan Montague
Where: Bezoar
When: about noon
What: Dropping by
Warnings: probably not

Across the room, across the room, I hope to watch you writhe again soon! )

Mar. 15th, 2011


Who: Lena Hollyer and Nate Montague
What: The Bezoar's post is delivered to the Florae by mistake
When: 15 March, 2026
Where: Bezoar in Hogsmeade
Rating: Probably low.

A muggle magazine? )

Mar. 11th, 2011


Who: Clara Finch-Fletchley and Open!
What: Clara is getting her weekend on.
When: 11 March, 2026, evening!
Where: The Fiddler's Bow, Diagon Ally.
Rating: TBA

Even when she was standing there, she could be still. )

Mar. 7th, 2011


Who: January MacPhail and Daniel Macmillan
What: Drinks! And probably fighting and flirting.
When: (BACKDATED) March 3rd, 2026
Where: The Thirsty Fish
Rating: Low to start. Probably needs to be raised for swearing.

You just need to get drunk for a little while )

Mar. 3rd, 2011


Who: Dominique (Weasley) Moran and Open to Anyone!
What: Dominique is "processing"'s going well...ish.
When: 3 March, 2026; lunch time.
Where: Rising Loaf, Diagon Alley.
Rating: Lowish.
Status: Incomplete

It'd been almost a week, but still she was having problems adjusting )