Jun. 11th, 2011


Owl to Mike Bradley

Owl )

Jun. 1st, 2011


Who: Marc and Lucy
What: Marc's birthday
Where: Molly and Lucy's house
When: 1 June 2026; Evening
Rating/Status: Low/ Incomplete

Birthdays are just another day of the year )


Owl: Marc Montague

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May. 17th, 2011


Who: Marc Montague, Lucy Weasley
What: Lucy's first full moon
Where: An abandoned house in the woods, miles away from civilization
When: Tuesday, May 17th evening
Rating/Status: Probably low/Incomplete

That time of the month )

Apr. 18th, 2011


Who: Lucy Weasley and Marc Montague (with possible appearances by the Weasley/Potter clan)
What: Marc learns about the attack on Lucy
When: The morning of Saturday, 16 April, 2026 (Backdated)
Where: Lucy's room at St. Mungo's
Rating/Status: Low (and probably sad)/Incomplete

Not realizing what you had... )

Apr. 15th, 2011


Who: Lucy Weasley and Marc Montague
What: Marc and Lucy meet for dinner
When: 15 April, 2026
Where: The magical village of Wilkshire
Rating/Status: Probably low/Incomplete

Two friends for dinner, what could go wrong? )

Mar. 26th, 2011


[who] Lucy and Molly!
[what] Shopping and Stories!
[when] Friday afternoon (backdated)
[rating] PG?
[status] incomplete

Once upon a time there was a SHOE MONSTER! )


Who: Lucy Weasley and Marc Montague
What: Secret friends meeting for lunch.
Where: Fong Chong's, Marc and Lu's secret meeting place in Muggle London.
When: Saturday afternoon
Rating/Status: PG/Incomplete

Where we're heading, there's just no knowing )

Mar. 23rd, 2011


Owl To Marc Montague

Owl )

Dec. 9th, 2010


Who: Lata and Open to Anyone
What: Lata goes to check on her next patient
When: Thursday, December 9th, 2025
Where: St. Mungo’s Hospital
Rating: G

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