Feb. 7th, 2011


Who: January MacPhail, Bella White, Luken White, Patrick Macmillan, Danny Macmillan, Leia Macmillan, Eric Macmillan, Sydney Hopkins, Kane Rivers, Lily Potter, Jamie Potter, Albus Potter, Frank Longbottom
What: JJ throws the first “family get together” since her accident.
Where: JJ’s House
When: January 6th 2026 (Backdated to yesterday)
Rating: Lowish... until later
Status: Incomplete

Party time! )

Oct. 29th, 2010


Owl: Patrick MacMillan

Owl to Patrick MacMillan )

Oct. 24th, 2010


Who: JJ ([info]theheadharpy), Bella ([info]extendableears), Patrick ([info]likely_story), Jamie ([info]prankingpotter), Lily ([info]noboysneeded), Dan ([info]danandtheroids) and Eric ([info]thisiseric)
What: Harpy Family Dinner!
When: Sunday October 24th, late afternoon/early evening
Where: JJ’s house

Food was served family style, with at least one thing that everyone was guaranteed to enjoy. )