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Jun. 30th, 2009


Tuesday, 30 June 1980.

WHO: Alastor Moody
WHAT: :(
WHERE: His flat.
WHEN: 30 June 1980; late evening.
STATUS: Complete.

With that mad man wrapped in rage, even then your temper stays exactly the same. And in that manner is the manner you stay -- a beautiful person that's happily unchanged. )


Who: Peter Pettigrew
What: This was easier.
When: June 30; Evening
Why: The Rehabilitation Centre
Rating/Warnings: Double Crossing Rattiness
Status: Narrative; Complete

It was easier to think. It was easier to breathe. It was easier to just be. )


Who: Bellatrix and Rodolphus (with a cameo by Aeneas)
When: Tuesday evening, after this
Where: Lestrange Manor
What: Adventures in moral depravity

Rating: R (sexual implications everywhere - esp Aeneas, rawr)
Status: Completed log

right around the bend is a coming disaster; count down to the end and we're headed there faster )


Who: Remus Lupin & Rodolphus Lestrange.
What: Rodolphus returns to the Lupin household with a gift.
When: 30 June 1980, after this.
Where: The Lupin house in Newquay, Cornwall.

Status: Complete.
Rating: PG.

a little fall of rain can hardly hurt you now; I'm here; I will stay with you till you are sleeping; and rain will make the flowers grow )


Who: Marlene Lupin, Remus Lupin, and Rodolphus Lestrange.
What: Rodolphus has decided it's time to shut Marlene up permanently.
When: 30 June 1980
Where: The Lupin household, then somewhere else.
Rating: R for gore and doom

one of these days letters are gonna fall from the sky telling us all to go free; but until that day I'll find a way to let everybody know that you're coming back, you're coming back for me; 'cause even though you left me here I have nothing left to fear; these are only walls that hold me here )


Who: James
What: Being alone is not good for James
When: June 30, early evening
Why: In a solitary confinement cell in the Rehabilitation Center

Status: Finished
Warnings: Slight Language/ Michael Jackson LJ-Cut lyrics

Everyday I sit and ask myself how did love slip away? )


Who: Lucius Malfoy
When: June 30 and a couple of days beforehand
Where: All over the flipping place
What: Invading an island. Erm, scouting for a location for the new school
Rating: G

I have no clever lyrics for this )


Who: Tabitha, Fenrir, Daniel, Andrew
Where: Tabbit's house
When: Bedtime, 29 June
What: An arrest

Rating: PG
Status: Just about done

Drown, drown; sailors run aground. In a seachange nothing is safe. Strange waves push us every way. In a stolen boat we'll float away )

Jun. 29th, 2009


Monday, 29 June 1980.

WHO: Barty Crouch, Hestia Jones, Bellatrix Lestrange, Frank and Alice Longbottom, Marlene and Remus Lupin, Alastor Moody, Iago Mulciber, Severus Snape and Gaius Travers.
WHAT: Srs bsns.
WHERE: St Mungo's Rehabiliation Centre.
WHEN: 29 June 1980; late evening.
STATUS: Complete.

Part I | Part II

Rising up to the challenge of our rivals. )


Monday, 29 June 1980.

WHO: Barty Crouch, Hestia Jones, Bellatrix Lestrange, Frank and Alice Longbottom, Marlene and Remus Lupin, Alastor Moody, Iago Mulciber, Severus Snape and Gaius Travers.
WHAT: Srs bsns.
WHERE: St Mungo's Rehabiliation Centre.
WHEN: 29 June 1980; late evening.
STATUS: Complete.

Part I | Part II

It's the eye of the tiger. It's the cream of the fight. )


Who: Army of Albion
What: A meeting
When: 25 June (backdated)
Where: Eating grounds

Rating: PG
Status: OOC Log

Really sorry this didn't go up in time. I have no idea how I forgot to post this

Rufus is interested in everyone's ideas on how to strike back hard at the death eaters -- hard enough that their reign will falter and they can try and retake the government.

1) Announcing that Amycus was the spy for anyone unaware. Operating under the assumption that he was acting alone, but reminding everyone to remain vigilant
2) New location, choosing a secret keeper.

Other things:
1) Ideas on how to hit the DEs the hardest
2) Ideas on how to actually retake the ministry
3) Public support campaigns?
4) Creation of dissent.


Who: Damocles Belby and Doris Crockford
When: Sunday, 28th June, evening. [BACKDATED]
Where: Damocles' place.
What: Doris pesters Damo about what he's really doing, and they get into argument which later leads to Damocles discovering something about the Wolfsbane Potion.
Rating: PG-13
Status: Completed

I- just because I trust you doesn't mean I have to believe you )

Jun. 26th, 2009


RP Placeholder

Aeneas/Chloris placeholder for discussion times in jail. Eeeeek!!


Who: Aeneas and Claudette Nott
When: 25 June, 1980; evening
Where: Lestrange Manor, the bedroom the Notts are occupying.
What: >:| conversation
Status: In Progress.


Jun. 25th, 2009


Who: Tabitha Pryce (& Demetrius Mulciber).
What: A scavenger hunt!
When: 25 June 1980, after this.
Where: Several places!

Status: Complete.
Rating: Low PG-13ish for language.

Besides, who was she to turn down the chance for a hunt like this? )


Thursday, 25 June 1980.

Who: Conrad Warrington, Lavinia and Gaius Travers
When: Thursday night, following the RR broadcast
Where: Diagon Alley
What: Conrad really wants to see Lavinia's boobs?
Rating: R
Status: Complete.

There's nowhere left to hide, in no one to confide. The truth burns deep inside and will never die. )


Who: Lucinda Greengrass and Rabastan Lestrange (and baby Daphne)
What: Rabbit comes by for a visit, tea and pictures, and ends up in the garden
When: 25 June, 1980
Where: Greengrass Manor, Lancaster

Status: Complete.
Rating: PG.

Well it is quite nice out. The garden has been quite beautiful these last few days. Would you like to see? )

Jun. 24th, 2009


Who: Marlene and Moody
What: Moody and Marly smokin' blunts on a bluff
When: June 24 1980
Where: Outside somewhere in Dover

Status: Incomplete as a BSB song.
Rating: PG13

Can't ignore any more, it could be your son or daughter With a deadly stick of reefer in their hand! They're heading straight for Reefer Madness! Reefer Madness! )

Jun. 25th, 2009


Narrative; Emmeline

Who: Emmeline Vance
When: 24 June 1980, early evening
What: Gatecrashing and disrupting Fenrir's awards ceremony!
Rating: Meh. G

Let's get this party started! Get smashed gate crash, get smashed gate crash! )

Jun. 24th, 2009


RP Narrative; Carlotta Pinkstone

Who: Carlotta Pinkstone & NPC!Victoria MacLachlan
When: 24 June 1980; afternoon tea.
Where: At Carlotta's home in Derbyshire.
What: A decision is made.
Rating: Low

Bells and footfalls and soldiers and dolls brothers and lovers she and I were. )


Who: Tiberius Ogden
When: Wednesday morning
Where: Wizengamot Courtroom
What: Tiberius has had enough of these shenanigans
Rating: Low
Status: Completed narrative

Death Eaters have imperiused the Wizengamot! )

Jun. 23rd, 2009


Who: Chloris and Narcissa
When: Tuesday afternoon, 23 June 1980
What: Tea
Where: Malfoy Manor, Wiltshire
Rating: Low

Whatever happened to the velvet glove and the iron fist? )


Sunday, 20 June 1980 [backdated].

WHO: Evangeline Macnair and Gaius Travers.
WHAT: Mutual squeeing.
WHEN: Sunday, 21 June 1980 [backdated].
WHERE: Walden's house.
STATUS: Complete.

She woke from a dream. Her head was on fire. Why was he so nervous? )

Jun. 22nd, 2009


WHO: NPCd!Samuel, NPCd!Cassandra and Hortense Greengrass
WHAT: The parents have some news for Hortense
WHEN: This morning
WHERE: Greengrass Manor
STATUS: Complete



Remus/Marlene placeholder~

Jun. 21st, 2009


Who: Bellatrix, Narcissa and bb Draco
When: June 21, 1980, late morning
Where: Malfoy Manor
What: Sisterly chatting
Rating: Low
Status: Completed Log

I assure you that should I fear my sister's imminent death, I shall owl you at once )


RP Log; Agatha & Severus Snape

Who: Severus & Agatha Snape
When: 21 June 1980; Early morning
Where: Bird How cottage; Lake District
What: Being married is SRS BSNS.
Rating: Low, actually.

They were realities that he would have preferred to avoid on their first day as husband and wife, but realities that demanded his attention and would demand hers. )


Severus and Agatha's wedding... finally! )

Jun. 19th, 2009


RP Log; Demetrius Mulciber & Severus Snape

Who: Demetrius and Severus and a cameo by one of Umbridge's cats
When: Friday, June 19th
Where: Demetrius's house
What: Lamenting the impending end of Severus's bachelordom
Rating: PG-13

Demetrius was admittedly slightly disappointed that Severus was getting married. )


Who: Graley and Araminta
When: Friday June 19th
Where: Araminta's house
What: Gettin' drunk, yo
Rating: PG(-13?)
Status: On Going!

There is not a thin line between love and hate. There is, in fact, a Great Wall of China with armed sentries posted every 20 feet between love and hate. )

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August 2009




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