August 2010



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Feb. 11th, 2010


Who: Vlad, Ella, Rosalie, and Shane.
What: The aftermath of Vaughn Margot's attack on Rosalie.
Where: 701
When: After this.
Warnings: Er. None yet.

Feb. 8th, 2010


Who: Rosalie and Ella. Plus Shane because apparently Rosalie can't walk herself.
What: A rescue of sorts? A chat?
Where: 905/hospital
When: Morning after the anon post/this and right after this
Warnings: Haha.

your sister wants me dead and I need help )

Jan. 29th, 2010


Who: Rosalie and Boyd. And Shane!
What: A long overdue chat.
Where: 1007.
When: After this.
Warnings: Mentions of sex. Okay, so it's basically the whole conversation.

Girl talk? )

Jan. 28th, 2010


Who: James & Shane.
What: A little chit chat.
Where: Stairwell.
When: Couple of days after the blackout?
Warnings: A little cursing for James, like always.

the glittering lights of hell )

Jan. 22nd, 2010


Who: Shane and Daniel
What: Shane is off to kill things run errands! Daniel is not having it. No errands for Shane.
Where: The lobby.
When: Just after the anon post.
Warnings: Oh dear. Let's go with swearing to be safe.

you can run on for a long time / but sooner or later god'll cut you down )

Jan. 21st, 2010


Who: Daniel and OPEN to other tenants.
What: Mirror thread!
Where: The master bedroom bathroom, R1
When: The morning after this.
Warnings: TBA, depending on comments. Introductory narrative safe. :)

It has no future but itself, Its infinite realms contain/Its past, enlightened to perceive... )

Jan. 20th, 2010


Who: Shane and Boyd
What: Boyd pulls her magical escape act, Shane follows.
Where: 1007
When: After this.
Warnings: TBA

my boy builds coffins for better or worse some / say it's a blessing some say it's a curse )

Jan. 18th, 2010


Who: Shane and Daniel
What: Shane has something to say.
Where: R1
When: Just after the kitty kitty kitty post.
Warnings: TBA

oh i, i feel the beast again, is it the violence you like? )

Jan. 14th, 2010


Who: Shane
What: Memory plot--combing through the building for signs of Vaughn.
Where: The stairs.
When: Very late tonight.
Warnings: None just yet.

if you chose life you know what the fear is like )

Jan. 10th, 2010


Who: Boyd and Daniel (and later Daniel and Shane)
What: Homecoming
Where: R1
When: After the last hospital thread
Warnings: None as of now

From sleep you wake up, from drink you become sober, and from travel you come home again. )

Jan. 7th, 2010


Who: Piper, Shane, Daniel, Vlad
What: Piper comes back to town and is not happy
Where: Outside Bellum, Mafia Hospital
When: The night after this and this and this
Warnings: Language

All my fault. )

Jan. 6th, 2010


Who: Shane (closed, narrative)
What: Shane can never, ever have sexual thoughts because whenever he does HORRIBLE THINGS HAPPEN.
Where: Around the building.
When: After this and during/after this.
Warnings: None.

heard you fell into a rabbit hole, covered yourself up with snow/baby tell me where'd you go for days and days? )

Jan. 2nd, 2010


Who: Robert Drayton.
What: Oh bother. Damn you elevators!
Where: The elevator.
When: Today in the evening.
Warnings: None at the moment.
Robert didn't know nor cared about the events that transpired between themselves. )

Jan. 1st, 2010


Who: Shane and Boyd
What: Shane is concerned about Boyd post Danielgate, so he goes looking for her.
Where: R1
When: After this.
Warnings: Swearing is fairly likely..

but what of the wretched hollows, the endless in between )

Dec. 27th, 2009


Who: Shane and Jude
What: First meeting. Blood is such a conversation starter.
Where: The Penthouse floor
When: Immediately following this.
Warnings: Blood, swearing.

i just can't find the strength to pull you up and keep you taut )


Who: Shane and Daniel (updated: vlad, boyd, and an entire high school marching band)
What: Hugs. Lots of hugs.
Where: R1
When: Just after this.
Warnings: Violence, swearing, claws, teddy bears.

come on it's war come on )

Dec. 22nd, 2009


Who: Shane (closed, narrative.)
What: Emil is dead? What? Shane is having a rough week.
Where: 601
When: After Shane terribilized Vaughn.
Warnings: Swearing, general misery.

i've loaded my gun with blood )


Who: Shane and Vaughn
What: A little light smothering.
Where: 1002
When: The middle of the night, after this.
Warnings: Swearing, violence.

in your head they are fighting )

Dec. 21st, 2009


Who: Shane and Boyd
What: A little stalking. Just a smidgen. Not even stalking, really. That word has such negative connotations.
Where: The street outside Bellum.
When: After this.
Warnings: Will update as needed.

you stop i start but i'll be true to you )

Dec. 13th, 2009


Who: Shane and Aaron
What: Aaron is coming to let Shane know in a gentle, easy-going way what he thinks of him.
Where: 104
When: After this.
Warnings: Swearing likely.

privileges forsaken there, liberties i've taken take me nowhere )

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