August 2010



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Jun. 6th, 2010


Who: Russell and Joanie
What: Christening a new vessel
Where: Seventh floor down to the garage
When: Two o'clock the day after this
Warnings: Dorkiness and tomfoolery

Real pirates do all their own stunts. )

May. 31st, 2010


Who: Micah and Joanie
What: Building a Cell for Trenton
Where: The Catacombs
When: Five minutes after this
Warnings: Swearing, sarcasm, and smartassery.

And we wonder why we don't have nice things. )

May. 30th, 2010


Who: Luther and Joanie
What: The Hangover
Where: 401 and the bottom of a coffee pot
When: Saturday morning
Warnings: Extreme crankiness (swearing), headaches, and bonding

If you know someone who tries to drown their sorrows, you might tell them sorrows know how to swim. )

May. 29th, 2010


Who: Joanie and Luther
What: Drinking. (Meaning, an attempt at emo-ness but probably going to end in crack.)
Where: Lobby then to the bar then...who knows?
When: Friday evening
Warnings: Swearing, emo, crying, brain-breaking, drinking, and ...I'll add anything else as it comes up.

Don't lie about this, say you're above all this )

May. 26th, 2010


Who: Luther and Joanie (and is open)
What: Setting up the panic room
Where: 109, with the possibility of caffeine/supply runs
When: Tuesday night through to Thursday
Warnings: Sleep deprivation, silliness, swearing, and hard work.
Notes: Everybody that was tagged in Joanie's group lock about supplies is welcome to stop by whenever. Threads within this log are marked by time and day for the convenience of everybody that wants to come in.

Rome wasn't built in a day, but they say that Athena jumped fully formed out of her father's head. )

May. 18th, 2010


Group K: Rose Red, Dracula, Prince Charming, Witch of the West

The plaque on the wall says:

The Count must keep his mouth closed tight,
As he has done quite enough biting, if I'm right,
While the Prince must put his charm to sticky-fingered work
and find the suits hidden in the suits.

Gentle maidens, some attention paid:
'Ware your moves and steps staid,
for if you ring a bell or touch a spade,
you all must start again, and there are fifty-two yet to raid.

Here's a hint, because I'm kind:
the suits with blood are the ones to find.

This room is circular, with a radius of about fifty yards, and lit with tubes of electric light. It is filled from wall to wall with dress manikins, some standing on plaster legs, others on wire strings, and still more on metal poles held steady on platforms of wood. The press of manikins makes it difficult to move. Each faceless manikin wears a man's suit, of different cuts, colors, and makes, and each suit is strung over with tiny silver bells. It will take a master to inspect a suit by touch without ringing the bells.

Directions. )

May. 11th, 2010


Who: Faith and Joanie (lolololol)
Where: Joanie's apartment.
When: Oh god, forever and a day ago.
Warnings: Ehhh.

Faith felt like she was going on a date. )

May. 8th, 2010


Who: Aiden and Joanie
What: Drinking and shenanigans
Where: The stairwell and then Juke Joint
When: Today at about 8:30
Warnings: Swearing, asshattery from both parties, copious alcohol use, and general disorderly conduct.

May. 5th, 2010


Who: Joanie and Luther
What: The not-quite-evils decide to test weapons on each other.
Where: 703
When: 5 PM this afternoon
Warnings: Swearing, purposeful pain, and schadenfreude. Kids? Don't try this at home.

This is going to hurt. )

May. 2nd, 2010


Who: Joanie and Russell
What: Waking up after the full moon
Where: 705
When: The morning after the full moon, around 10 o'clock
Warnings: Intense awkwardness

Apr. 25th, 2010


Who: Joanie
What: A narrative about the frustrations of magic
Where: 703
When: This evening
Warnings: Angry music, swearing, and alcohol consumption
Note: If your character can hear the noise being made in this narrative, feel free to have them respond if you want.

Apr. 17th, 2010


Who: Aiden and Joanie
What: Handing off a vampire slayer goodie basket
Where: 307
When: Saturday evening
Warnings: Probably language, knowing these two.


Who: Micah and Joanie
What: Dropping off some witchy wares
Where: 202
When: Two days after this
Warnings: Preemptive warning for swears, because Joanie is a potty mouth sometimes.

Apr. 10th, 2010


Who: Russell Wagner and OPEN.
What: Trying to find the source of the signal.
Where: Starting at the seventh floor and moving around.
When: Not long after the conversation between himself and Iris. Let's say around 8pm or so today.
Warnings: PG for possible swearing.

Ba dum ba dum ba dum... )

Apr. 8th, 2010


Who: Winslow and Joanie
What: Getting some ink
Where: Hot Wire, the tattoo parlor where Joanie works
When: Early afternoon
Warnings: Language and angry music.


Who: Joanie
What: A narrative
Where: 703
When: After the anonymous list thread died down
Warnings: None

Apr. 2nd, 2010


Who: Madison and Joanie
What: Introducing oil and water
Where: The Mailboxes
When: Late afternoon
Warnings: Uncalled-for bitchiness and probably some language.

Mar. 28th, 2010


Who: Luther and Joanie (and is open to anybody who wants to crash)
What:  Crashing a stake-out in the Evil Elevator
Where: The Elevator
When: 3-4 days after the Fairytale Plot, early afternoon
Warnings: Conspiracy theories

Mar. 24th, 2010


Who: Joanie and Aiden
What: Aiden heads into the local piercing and tattoo parlor, where Joanie's working solo.
Where: Hot Wire
When: Wednesday, around midday.
Warnings: Possible cursing and vehement denial of Fables Plot Day.

only i can change the end of the movie in my head )

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