July 19th, 2010

[info]sentinelstar in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Luther, Archer, and Isobel
What: A legal kidnapping
Where: 906 --> Hospital --> We will see
When: July 18th, Evening
Warnings: Watch this space.

'When I was kidnapped, my parents snapped into action. They rented out my room.' - Woody Allen )

[info]whatbefell in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Xavier Edward & Gina
What: Dream times
Where: Dreamland
When: The night before the epic Xavier/Gina/Lucas dinner.
Warnings: Angst. This should be a given with Xavier

Why don't you crash into me, baby? )

[info]nobleblood in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Vlad and Oliver
What: An unexpected run-in that is not at all awkward
Where: The lobby/elevator
When: Friday afternoon
Warnings: None?

The building had a really sick sense of humor )

[info]thimbledarling in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Tegan and Nicky (and anyone else that wants to jump in)
What: Coming home from the hospital & regaining some memories
Where: Hospital -> Bellum (Lobby & 1st floor)
When: Um... dunno? Now? Or a few days ago? Around this time.
Warnings: Cuteness and then probably traumatic flashbacks.
Notes: If anyone is jonesing to have their character wander through once Tea and Nicky hit Bellum, lemme know for sure. :-)

Home Sweet Home? )