July 8th, 2010

[info]whatbefell in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Xavier and Helena
What: Confessions in Dreamland
Where: Dreamland, specifically Helena's mind-house
When: We'll call this Saturday night, after the fail-moon.
Warnings: Angst.
Notes: Watch the "when" space. This might change >_>

I was born from the wound of a poisonous man - beaten and broken and chased from the land. )

[info]wickedwicker in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Luther and Joanie
What: Making a fort, realizing the Full Moon is a Fail Moon, and promptly getting drunk. (You know. Bro stuff.)
Where: 703 and the Fort of Dreams
When: June 26th at 6 PM
Warnings: Drunk texting, drunk thinking, drunk rolling around, drunk drinking. EDIT: And now Joanie has a pink cat. So warning for animal experimentation?

Come on, all you Good Rats, we'll send you to Heaven! You'll find the pearly gates in the froth and the foam! )

[info]withinastory in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Sherri, Joss, and Brian
What: Dinner and fail!moon antics.
Where: 205
When: June 26th, 6 pm
Warnings: There was mention of Joss maybe bringing alcohol?

One day I'll tie up all the loose ends, ring up my best friends, and have something to say. )