April 14th, 2010

[info]blackcatsrbad in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Cole and Shane
What: A visit involving the giving of knives
Where: 802
When: After this
Warnings: Likely none

[info]nightmrholmes in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Iris and Micah
What: Log. Coffee. To start.
Where: Le Croquembouche.
When: Immediately after this.
Warnings: None.
Notes: To be continued.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power. )

[info]nylonghorn in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Pete, Ella and Lena
What: Dinner!
Where: 1104
When: Thursday at 7 PM
Warnings: None to speak of.

And God created Saturn, and he liked it, so he put a ring on it. )

[info]lemortvivant in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Bran and Katya
What: A "what fable are YOU?" reading
Where: Red Horse Tea shop
When: Thursday at 4
Warnings: Other than socially awkward and moody Bran, none

[info]heartinabox in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Sasha and Amelia
What: Sisters reunite and have Italian.
Where: Bella Sotto
When: This evening
Warnings: TBA

who's in a bad mood, who's in the taxi? )