February 1st, 2010

[info]fond_affections in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Ed and Lindsey
Where: Bellum LeTale Dreamscape
What: A dream, silly
When: After the flurry of activity surrounding Holly's arrival in P2 (and Jude's disappearance) and after this.
Warnings: None expected.

. . . )

[info]snaked in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Li and James
What: Dinner
Where: James' apartment
When: Days after James' last log with Rick
Warnings: None so far

We speak in the store. I'm a sensitive bore, you seem markedly more and I'm oozing surprise. )

[info]blackcatsrbad in [info]bellumlogs

Who: Daisy and Cole
What: A meeting and a mail rescue.
Where: The lobby
When: Today, mid-morning ish.
Warnings: None. Hah. 

[info]ex_peepshows656 in [info]bellumlogs

Who: James & Boyd.
What: James goes to Cosa Nostra to see if she'd like working there, and ends up meeting Boyd for the first time.
Where: Cosa Nostra.
When: Evening after James' dinner with Li.
Warnings: I'm not banking on a catfight, so probably nothing?
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene )