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Mar. 26th, 2011


WHO: Lavender Brown and Isaac Montague
WHEN: March 26 | Morning
WHERE: Lavender's flat, Soho, London
WHAT: Lavender wakes again to Isaac
RATING: Adult - fade-to-black

This was becoming a habit it seemed )

Mar. 25th, 2011


Owls to Date-or-Mate participants

Date-or-Mate Love Matches )

Mar. 23rd, 2011


WHO: Lavender Brown and Isaac Montague
WHEN: March 23 | Late Night
WHERE: Isaac's flat, London
WHAT: Lavender answers a summons from a drunk man.
RATING: TBA Mid range likely?

Who knew what she was thinking )

Mar. 16th, 2011


Who: Mandy & Nate
When: 16 March
Where: the Summer Bee
What: a reading
Rating: PG-13 at most
Status: started in gdocs, continuing in thread

There’s a lot in this world right now that’s out of our control )

Mar. 14th, 2011


Who: Mandy and Draco (Alyssa, Alex, and Aidan)
When: he wee hours of 15 March
What: Mandy shows up unexpectedly in the middle of the night
Where: Draco’s townhouse
Rating: pg-13
Status: Completed in gdocs
OOC note: The first part contains the night of Terry's arrest--The morning after will be posted in comments.

Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict. )

Mar. 9th, 2011


Who: Zacharias and Mandy
When: Wednesday, March 9 - lunchtime
Where: Mandy's office
What: lunch, and hopefully talking
Rating: PG-13 at least
Status: In progress thread

Zacharias arrived at noon, carrying a bag of food from one of his favourite Indian restaurants near the Ministry. They'd eaten lunch, but Zach was obviously distracted. He may be a clueless bloke most of the times, but it was obvious that they needed to get shit out in the open. There were hundreds of reasons he should just break up with Mandy right now and end all this. He should tell her he couldn't do more than sex, that this was all foolish.

He stretched back in his chair and took another sip of beer.

"So... this.. I.. fuck. I can't stop thinking about you."

Mar. 7th, 2011


Who: Zacharias and Mandy
When: Monday, March 7
Where:a cottage in Cornwall
What: a birthday surprise

Zacharias had seen Mandy's message on the journals when he woke up on Monday morning and decided to ignore it for the time being. After all, he was going to be meeting her soon enough. He'd taken the entire day off - which was a big enough deal considering that the Quidditch season was starting on Friday - and had been working over the weekend to get everything ready.

He arrived at the cottage early Monday morning - not knowing if Mandy had eaten, he had a basket with him - food, beverages and such for the day. There was also Mandy's birthday present, which he hadn't been giving her any hints about it.

"Mandy? You here?" he called as he stepped through the floo. "I have coffee and scones!"

Feb. 27th, 2011


Who: Astoria and Isaac
Where: London
When: Sunday 27 February 2011
What: Astoria and Issac go to dinner
Status: incomplete
Rating: low, probably

Astoria was nervous but at least she wasn't stuttering.  )

Feb. 26th, 2011


Who: Blaise Zabini & Ginny Weasley
What: Knock-out, drag-down screaming match with sexual tension on the side
When: Shortly after Blaise & Daphne, and Blaise's journal entry to Ginny
Where: Ginny's apartment
Rating: HIGH.
Status: Incomplete

It was probably a good thing she didn't have her wand in hand. )

Feb. 20th, 2011


WHO all invited, plus and party crashers
WHEN 19 february 2005 | saturday (backdated for my stupidity)
WHERE terence's flat
WHAT surprise party!
RATING pg - may go higher in private threads, please mark if it does

Birthday girl )

Feb. 18th, 2011


Who: Anthony Goldstein, Terry Boot, Mandy Boot and everybody else who was invited and anybody else who wants to crash (please tag when you respond)
What: Toga Party to celebrate Terry's birthday
When: Friday, February 18 - 8:00 pm
Where: Terry & Mandy's recently bought house and property, dubbed by Anthony as The Retreat
Rating: PG-13 (if your characters get Giggity, please begin a separate journal)
Status: Ongoing
Note: Feel free to either post and leave an OOC summary of what your character did or tag the thread or just start up a thread with someone inside this post. The Truth or Dare will be in a separate entry.

You know you make me wanna SHOUT! )

Feb. 17th, 2011


WHO: Eva and Sofiya (and Steve if he wants to wake up)
WHERE: St. Mungos
WHEN: Friday Morning
WHAT: Visiting the injured
RATING: TBD probably low

All she could do was repeat to herself that he would be fine, he was fine, he'd always be fine. )


Who: Blaise and Draco
When: Thursday evening, 17 February
Where: Blaise's home
What: drinks and conversation
Rating: PG
Status: threading, incomplete

three hugs, two stories, and a glass of water later... )

Feb. 15th, 2011


Who: Mandy and Nate
When: Tuesday afternoon, 15 February
Where: the Summer Bee
What: Mandy asked for a reading, and Nate is providing it
Rating: IDK? PG-13?
Status: threading, incomplete

TWO roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both )

Feb. 14th, 2011


Owl to Angelina Johnson )

Owled to Astoria Greengrass and Tracey Davis )

Owl to Amanda Bootyhurst )


Who: Anthony Goldstein ; Sofiya Capper
What: Valentine's Day Dinner
When: Monday evening
Where: Sofiya's apartment in Muggle London
Rating: PG-13 - likely to go higher
Status: Incomplete

He wondered if it would be too crass to ask for seconds at a Valentine's Day dinner. )


owl posts

[Owl Post separately to each of Ae-Cha and Alex Boot]

[Contains a tiny assortment of chocolates in a heart shaped box, held by a stuffed owl for Ae-Cha and a stuffed cat for Alex]

[Owl Post separately to each of Astoria, Daphne, and Tracey]

[Contains a fine assortment of French chocolate, and a single red rose.]

For our friendship,


[Owl post to Pansy]

[Fine chocolates, a dozen roses, and a pair of elegant earrings]

Because you know I will always spoil you, my dear friend.


[Owl Post to Mandy]

[A silver pendant of a rose within a heart. When held, the rose moves, much like the needle on a compass.]

You seek your heart, and thus, a compass to help guide your way.


[Owl Post to Hermione]

[A tin of lemon-drop candies and a dozen roses of mixed colours]

I don't think I shall need to stop you after two of these. Enjoy, trésor.


[Owl Post to Ernie]

[A drawing from Alyssa in shades of pink, red, and green. There might be hearts involved. Possibly a cat.]

Alyssa wishes you a joyous Valentine's Day and says I must ensure that you know that there are a dozen kisses in the envelope for you.


Feb. 12th, 2011


girls just want to have fun

Who: Penny Clearwater & Mandy Boot
When: Saturday night.
Where: a pub in London
What: Girls night out
Status: in-progress thread
Rating: probably no more than PG13?

All I want to do when I have time off is to have a laugh with my school friends and go down the pub.  )

Feb. 9th, 2011


Owl to Sofiya Capper )

Owl to Mandy & Terry Boot )

Feb. 5th, 2011


Who: Gabrielle Delacour & Sofiya Capper
What: Lunch!
When: Friday (backdated)
Where: Meeting at the British Museum
Rating: G
Status: Incomplete

She had a tendency towards paranoia. )

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