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Aug. 13th, 2011


Who: Alicia Spinnet, Marcus Flint and NPC Auror
When: Saturday 13 August, afternoon
Where: Holding cell
What: Al broke curfew at a bad time. (prompt = blood)
Rating: R for language and some violent

She had a hunch this would happen. She hated when she was right. )

Aug. 9th, 2011


Who: Lavender & Nate
When: 9 August, dinnertime
Where: Trina & Nate's London apartment
What: dinner and ICE CREAM
Rating: PG?
Status: threading

all we need is some ice cream and a hug )


Who: Draco, Katie, and some appearance by the three children
When: Tuesday, 9 August, late afternoon
Where: Muggle London
What: a chance encounter
Rating: TBD, but I'm guessing PG-13 for language
Status: threading

out of the darkness, into the light )

Jul. 30th, 2011


Who: Marcus and Isaac
When: Sunday evening, 31 July (posting early)
Where: Flint Manor
What: a confrontation
Rating: R, I'm sure, for violence and language and gods only know what else
Status: threading

...night's for fighting... )

Jul. 28th, 2011


Who: Marcus and Isaac
When: early morning, Thursday, 28 July
Where: Marc's bedroom
What: waking up. shock. HORROR.
Rating: R for nudity and language
Status: threading

What the f--? )


WHO: Luag Chambers and Nate Summerby
WHERE: Luag's house in the Hebrides
WHEN: Early morning, 28 July 2005
WHAT: Not their usual wake up routine
RATING: er, maybe R for nakedness?
STATUS: Threading

Stupid bodies )

Jul. 27th, 2011


from George Weasley and Natalie Grant )

Jul. 23rd, 2011


Who: Luag Chambers and Nate Summerby
Where: Luag's home in the Hebrides
What: One on one talking time with the hubby.
When: Saturday evening.
Rating: PG likely?

A picture is with a thousand words. )


Yarn swapping

Who: Marcus Flint and Millicent Bulstrode
Where: Marcus' home
What: Millicent has been invited to share her yarn stash with 'Marcus' mum'. Hilarity most likely ensues. Possibly supremely unfunny for non-knitters.
When: Saturday afternoon.
Rating: G? (Unless you count the swearing.)

In which Millicent doesn't meet Marcus' mum. At all. )

Jul. 20th, 2011


Owl to Nate

Owl to Nate )

Jul. 17th, 2011


Who: Marcus and Morgan
When: 17 July, late morning
Where: Morgan's home
What: monthly inspection
Rating: PG-13 for potential language
Status: threading

after the full moon... )

Jul. 13th, 2011


Who: Emma and Oliver
When: Wednesday, 13 July, early evening
What: she's working, he's being bugged by fans
Where: WWW
Rating: PG-13 because Em is talking
Status: Threading

stars in small spaces attract interest... )

Jul. 9th, 2011


owl to marcus flint

owl to marcus flint )

Jul. 8th, 2011


Who: Pansy & Nate
Where: The Summer Bee
What: A Tarot Reading
When: Friday, 8 July, after work
Status: Thread, in progress
Rating: PG/PG-13?

It'd been quite some time since Pansy had someone read tarot for her. There hadn't been much free time in the States since their social calendar was usually extremely busy. Plus, she had known what she was down and where she was going. True, she'd consulted the card when Tommy was courting her, but that was years ago. Now, well, the odd feeling in her gut was back. She wasn't sure she could trust Nate, but she trusted Luag and Luag trusted Nate - which was good enough for her right now. Hopefully she wouldn't have to divulge too much of what was on her mind - it wouldn't be ladylike, after all.

Entering the shop, she smiled at Nate and greeted him, letting him finish up whatever he was doing while she browsed the fabrics on display.

Jul. 7th, 2011


Who: Padma Patil and Nate Summerby
What: Padma needs dome divination; Truth prompt
When: Thursday, July 7, 2005
Where: The Summer Bee
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

call it in the air )

Jul. 5th, 2011


Who: Emma and Isaac
When: dinnertime, 5 July
Where: a small cafe
What: they needed to meet in person to finish their discussion
Rating: PG-13 since Em is talking
Status: threading

talking truth )

Jul. 1st, 2011


WHO: Luag Chambers and Nate Summerby along with their friends
WHEN: Friday, July 1, 2005, evening
WHERE: Luag's house on the Isle of Harris
WHAT: The much awaited wedding party. Open for threading and ooc discussion.
RATING: TBD. Considering the amount of alcohol, likely very high.

The set up )

Jun. 28th, 2011


WHO: Tracey Davis Montague and Marcus Flint
WHEN: June 28, 2005, evening
WHERE: the Ministry and then Knaresborough
WHAT: a flight and a chat
RATING: R likely for language

Well? What if he is? )

Jun. 27th, 2011


Who: Marcus & Isaac
When: 27 June, late lunch, the Manor
What: Isaac screwed up, and they need to talk
Rating: PG-13 for language at least
Status: threading

WHAT did you do? )

Jun. 22nd, 2011


Who: Marcus & Tracey
When: just before closing, Wednesday, 22 June
Where: Quality Quidditch Supplies
What: Marc needs to pick up his brooms
Rating: PG-13 because Marc sprinkles the f-bomb like salt
Status: threading

two brooms to go, please )

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