May 4th, 2014

[info]adamsammy in [info]_fracture_

The White Knight

Who: Adam and Kyle
When: Evening
Where: Their Tent

Adam had just barely survived the second match with the giant knight. He'd been faster yes, but it turned out that it was more like 'fast enough to not get killed' instead of fast enough to win. Out of the tournament, he'd slunk back to the tent alone. There he peeled out of his clothes and was doing his best to clean and wrap a cut on his bicep. It wasn't terribly deep but it would definitely scar. He was peppered with bruises too, red marks that were starting to sink to purple, but he wasn't focused on those. Not yet.

I'm not a hero )

[info]autumn_ruby in [info]_fracture_

fuck chipmunks

who: autumn and mazie
where: autumn's chambers
when: during the attack

Autumn had been having a freaking awesome time at the festivities, right up until everything went to hell in a handbasket in, like, no time at all. She was herded along with a group of other ladies back into the castle as quickly as possible, and Autumn spotted Mazie in the crowd. She ran over to grab her and pull her along with the others. She would have grabbed anyone else she recognized too, but Mazie was it for the moment.

Mazie had been just fine, happily chomping on the ends of another turkey let, but what she hadn't expected was that hoard of chipmunks to go ballistic and attack her. She was littered with scratches and small bites when Autumn grabbed her and she didn't protest against the grabbing, just the monsters that were attacking her. "Fuck you, chipmunk bullshits!"
they're jerks )

[info]darkwanting in [info]_fracture_

The Set Up

Who: Justin, Chase, then Kennedy
Where: the banquet
When: evening

As much as Chase really didn't want to push Justin's attention somewhere else, he'd promised Kyle and it was matter of love versus a crush that was clearly going nowhere and even less places considering Chase wasn't usually the type to act on a crush. So when Justin seemed to have a break in his banquet action he found a space next to him with a smile, refilling his wine glass. "You looked great out there today. And definitely caught the attention of more than one lady."

Give it a Shot )

[info]not_interested in [info]_fracture_


harlow and caleb

[info]edisonnewton in [info]_fracture_


Who: Edison and Harlow
Where: near their tents
When: evening

With Harlow down to one squire, Edison was left doing everything, which with Harlow was actually everything. He was lugging her gear, following after her as they headed back towards their tent. She was exhausting, but staying on her good side seemed imperative.
Read more... )

[info]adamsammy in [info]_fracture_

CHAPTER TWO - DAY 3: The Final Tournament

In the aftermath of the animal attacks from the previous night, the whole of the kingdom is shaken. All anyone can talk about is the witch and her attack on the townspeople. Several people died before the animals were contained or returned to their natural state, leaving the kingdom wondering if things should go forward in the first place or if the tournament should be canceled.

The King had pushed to start the final round of the tournament nonetheless, so close to finishing and under a guise of needing to move on and not be held back by such tragedy, the tournament starts again, just slightly delayed. As a result the competition starts around midday and runs into the evening when the final victor is crowned. As the tournament draws to an end, so does the day

All the residents of the Regent, both new and old, will return to their hotel rooms for the next game day, with everything that they had on their person at the conclusion of the tournament, all theirs to keep.