March 30th, 2014

[info]edisonnewton in [info]_fracture_

I'll Rip Your Throat Out

Who: Bianca and Edison, then Harlow
Where: The encampment
When Morning

Bianca was pissed. This was the second day in a row she’d woken up in a strange place. She sat up on her bed of straw and looked over to see a man on the other side of the cramped space. Thank the gods she was fully clothed. She looked down at herself and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. What the fuck were these clothes? Was she traveling back in time every damned night? What would tomorrow be? A pterodactyl nest? Also? Where the hell was that crazy bitch who had made her think she was in a horror movie? If she was around somewhere, Bianca didn’t know what she was going to do but it wasn’t going to be pretty.

She stared hard at the sleeping man. Whoever he was, he was a stranger and he didn’t belong sleeping so close to her. She slapped his arm. “Hey! Hey, get out of here!” she demanded.

with my teeth )

[info]adamsammy in [info]_fracture_


Who: Adam and Kyle
Where: the castle
When: evening
Warning: NSFW

and secret gardens )

[info]autumn_ruby in [info]_fracture_

a princess and a hacker

Who: Autumn and Mazie
Where: around the grounds
When: noonish

Autumn woke up in a strange place. She had gone to sleep in Fiji, having been flown in for a party weekend. It had been amazing so far and she had expected to wake up entangled with Myssa, Diego and Eugene. Instead, she woke up in a huge ornate bed alone, with some woman coming in addressing her as 'your highness' and shooing her out of bed to get help putting on the most dress she had ever seen. It was huge. It was heavy. It was also gorgeous, and she loved it.
wait, how do you know my real name? )