January 30th, 2014

[info]alea_iacta_est in [info]_fracture_

laws of the jungle

Who: Harlow and Caleb
Where: her room/the bar
When: after this

Harlow had seen that letter that their new overlords had sent and she was none too pleased with it, so in true fashion Harlow decided they could all suck it and remained seated in her stupid room instead. She did not want to be here. She did not want to be closed inside four walls. If she had wanted that, she would have found a way to do that back home in Germany, but very obviously she didn’t want to if she choose to stay outside as much as she did.

Fuming, she sat down on the floor with her back to the bed and opened up her dufflebag to pull out a butterfly knife and immediately start flicking it open and shut, open and shut, open and shut while she plotted on a way to get the hell out of this place once and for all.

Caleb walked through the front door, but certainly didn't end up on the sidewalk like he wanted to. He walked out of what he saw was a closet in...an occupied room, as he was already speaking. “Lindsey?” he asked but as he laid eyes on the woman sitting on the floor with a knife, he was guessing Lindsey was elsewhere, eaten by the hotel. Apparently, for the second time that day. Well, shit.
sociopathic? )

[info]darkminded in [info]_fracture_

Normal girl. Normal beautiful, soft girl.

Who: Mai and Ash
Where: Mai’s Room
When: Late

Mai had wandered with Kai for a while, trying to find a way out but eventually they got nowhere. Mai had given up and gone back to her room for a nap and maybe to mope some, but that only entertained her until it got dark and she realized she was stuck. Really stuck. Photoshoot missed, life possibly missed and there was no escape. She lay on the bed for a long while before Ash came to mind and as soon as he was there he wasn't going away.

It didn't take long for her to get up, dig an oversized sweater out of her bag and throw it on over the tank top and jeans she had and leave her room to head to his. He might not want to see her, but it was worth a shot.

Ash had settled in his room for a while with his journals. He spent a good deal of time refining several new non-profit plans. He really didn't need to but it was keeping his mind occupied and also precluding him from pacing endlessly through hallways or the lobby. He felt like a tiger in a cage and it was slowly burning in the back of his thoughts. He knew if he didn't defuse the situation he was going to cause some damage of some sort.

When he'd written and re-written and re-arranged and proofed until he couldn't stand to even think about the causes he was attempting to aid with the non-profits, he thought about eating. Something he hadn't done all day. He didn't really feel like doing that alone which was when he thought of Mai and wondered if she'd eaten. Maybe he'd go find her, make sure she was okay. Ask her if she'd like to join him for a late dinner or something. He left his room and took the stairs quickly, entering the third floor hallway as she was coming out of her room. He chuckled to himself at the fact they'd met this way the last time. "Hey," he said.

Normal guy. Normal handsome, warm guy. )

[info]inspiteofdanger in [info]_fracture_

giving in

Who: Ronin and Kai
Where: the bar, then Kai's room
When: late

Ronin was back in his room. It seemed the most logical place to be. He’d tried his phone again and again but had gotten nothing but endless ringing. He knew that meant his calls couldn’t be going out. There was no way, at this late in the game, that Kai wouldn’t have her phone on and waiting to hear from him. It just wasn’t like her. So he was pretty sure that things were FUBAR’d. Still he couldn’t sit still. He picked up his laptop and decided to find somewhere to listen and edit tracks without disturbing someone. He stuck the key to his room in his back pocket and went into the hall, taking the stairs downward. He didn’t expect to see anyone really. Instead he was singing “Even Want Her on Sunday” a bit loudly, listening to the acoustics of the hallway with a slight grin. It was a good song. He needed to thank Kai again for the thousandth time for suggesting it years ago.

Kai had been wandering the hotel. What else was there to do after discovering she clearly couldn't leave? The place almost seemed endless, though that probably wasn't true. Still, that idea was somewhere in her head as she wandered slowly, taking pictures as she went. When she heard a familiar song, she automatically drifted in that direction, thinking she hadn't heard this acoustic recording before. It eventually brought her out into what looked like a gorgeous courtyard, and she looked around until she spotted - “Ronin!” she cried, immediately rushing toward him. She wanted to bowl him over and hug him, but she curbed that, thinking of his back before she could hurt him.
Ronin Is Cute Even While Fumbling His Way Toward Ecstasy )

[info]adamsammy in [info]_fracture_



All guests at the hotel wake to the delight (or curse) that all are still in the same place they fell asleep. They haven’t been transported again as some were, but they still have not been able to leave the hotel. There is still no way to exit the hotel or contact outside of it, but at least, for the moment, they’re all stationary.

Breakfast is provided via room service, trays left outside of doors at 8am.

New guest receive the following note, typed out neatly on the formal stationery of the hotel that says the following:

Welcome to the Regent Hotel!

We do hope you have a pleasant stay and want to reassure you that our staff is here to meet any of your needs that are deemed worthy of attention. As you will be staying with us for a little while, we suggest you make yourself familiar with the grounds and your fellow guests. You’ll need their help in the future.

The Regent Staff

Don’t forget:
- Phones, emails, carrier pigeons and other forms of contact with the outside world don’t work!
- Phone calls made out ring incessantly without any connection.
- Exits to the hotel won’t lead out, just to another random part of the hotel - including private rooms of other occupants.