January 28th, 2014

[info]jaspering in [info]_fracture_

Got You In the Zone

Who: Adam and Ella
Where: The Throne Room
When: Evening

After Ella spoke with Lindsey she felt she needed a drink badly. All of this was too overwhelming for her and it still didn't make any sense. She returned to her room to look through her bag and see if anything useful had been packed in there. The more she looked through the bag the more she realized she didn't remember packing it, yet another strange thing to add to the list of things she couldn't explain. Unfortunately there was nothing in her bag that could help her get out of the hotel. In fact she didn't even have her laptop in her bag, which she chalked up to her forgetfulness. She was always leaving it behind in different places and so it made sense that she wouldn't have packed it.

Luckily she had her iPhone on her and she proceeded to call her job to explain her situation, but the phone just kept ringing. Why was no one picking up her call? After a minute or two she gave up and dialed her parents. The same thing happened. She ended up calling two more before she realized there was something wrong with her phone or maybe it was the place she was in; either way she felt frustrated and so she proceeded to explore the hotel some more. It didn't take her long to stumble upon the ballroom and more importantly the bar within. She didn't see anyone around so she proceeded to make herself a sex on the beach. She usually drank cape cods but she was in the mood for a change in drink choice.

unwinding one drink at a time )

[info]wantheronsunday in [info]_fracture_

What's Lookin, Good Cookin?

Who: Kai and Ronin
Where: Local bar
When: 6 months ago

Ronin was on fire. He was on the stage with SMH singing his lungs out and having the time of his life. Their song “Sunday Morning” was always a big hit with the local crowd who all seemed to know the words and sing along. The bar was packed and he knew the band would be getting a good cut tonight but that wasn’t why he did this. It simply was pure, unadulterated fun to get caught up in all the excitement and such an ego boost to know he was part of the cause for it. Especially when the girls in the front looked moony-eyed and asked him and his bandmates to marry them or at least go home with them.

They finished the set and Ronin was so high on it all as he set his guitar on its stand and came down off the stage. He was sure that every single part of his body got a once over by someone as he tried to push through the crowd. He was laughing by the time he reached Kai. “I feel so violated every time I leave the stage. So what’s lookin’, good cookin’?” he asked, teasing her.

Kai had been loving the show. She got a lot out of his gigs too. The music, of course, was awesome. But beyond that, she loved the energy around, she loved seeing him up there on stage, being just as amazing as she knew he could be. She even loved seeing the adoration on the crowd, all wanting a piece of him, even as he made a bee line straight to her. She saw the usual glares, or disappointed looks shot in her direction, even as she gave Ronin's admirers a friendly smile and wave over his shoulder as she gave him a hug. She giggled at his teasing, and grinned at him. “Don't worry, I'll protect you,” she told him first. “And you were amazing as usual, of course!” she added, as one particularly pushy girl practically shoved her way between the two of them, her back to Kai.

Sometimes When I'm Drinking... )