Posts Tagged: 'beverly+marsh'

Mar. 10th, 2020



[Left for Beverly at the Losers HQ] )

Mar. 3rd, 2020



This place is the worst.
I hate it about 90% of the time.

Then it serves me up the absolute perfect BLT.
I still hate this place, but that sandwich was probably better than sex.

Mar. 1st, 2020



Filtered to Stan and Bev

Should we call it Stevdie? )

Feb. 25th, 2020



I remember reading somewhere once that February is basically just the worst month
and you know what? Agree. Tired of cold weather and snow and short days that don't even make sense because i'm not sure how we even have a SUN in this place and look I'm not good at science but im pretty sure -- you know. it doesn't work that way? anyway. apparently there's extra february this month and i just wanna say that i think that's bullshit. even Lucky thinks it's bullshit and he's a dog.

wasn't someone working on a movie theater? please finish that i'm so bored

Feb. 15th, 2020



Private --> Beverly

So. I know I just met you,
And this is kinda crazy,
So how about a movie maybe?

That was lame wasn't it.
I'm not sorry...

Feb. 6th, 2020



With Valentine's day approaching, I've realized the the worst thing about living here is going to be that there's no Day After Valentine's candy sale. National tragedy.

also, Siri, how do i romance someone when there is one restaurant in town.

Private to Stan and Eddie
We have to get something. Y'know. For Bev's birthday? It's coming up.

Also, like, no big deal but I'm gonna have a dude look at my brain for evil space stuff and or something something something wolf magic?
So I'm thinking like, maybe Bev wants a ping pong table?

Private to Beverly
Required: more details on your party and how I might help out. I'm good for more than cheese dicks.
Also your opinion on something. No, it's not clothing related, I know I'm a lost cause.

Feb. 2nd, 2020



Okay, I'm giving everyone a couple week's notice so you can come to terms with not being holed up in your caves all day with the person you're currently sleeping with - but Valentine's Day. It's a Friday. My birthday is the day before. I'm merging them together to host a party on Valentine's Day, at the house where I live, so you all better be there. It'll start at 7:00 PM so do your schmoopy breakfasts or lunches before then, I don't care. Just come to the party.

There will be food and drinks. Maybe some candy. Maybe some actual Valentine's Day cards. Maybe some surprises. Maybe cheese dicks again, if you ask Richie nicely.

Jan. 30th, 2020



My dearest and most esteemed Steven Rogers,

I hope this letter finds you well -- I know the weather hasn't been much in terms of delight lately and besides that, the company has felt very forced. But I want you to know, as I write this, from some thirty feet away, that I am thinking of you! I appreciate the time you've made for me recently! All the free shows, whining and the five sit ups, included.


I seem to be free now, so, you know.

Bye Loser.

Much love and admiration,
Richard Tozier

PS: Loser is a term of endearment, okay. You know that.
PPS: You should definitely go get laid now. You deserve it.

Jan. 25th, 2020



Who else is still mysteriously connected to someone? Show of hands? Because I don't know what the shelf life is on a typical magic spell or whatever but I'd really love to be able to pee without someone right outside the door.

Jan. 12th, 2020



How's everyone doing from the grave? That's where you all are, right? Dead?

Or, just, like sticking indoors because it's balls cold out? Because that's what I've been doing. But my legs feel twitchy. I've got to move.

Jan. 3rd, 2020



So, hey, who knows how to wedding in this place? Asking for a friend.

And thank you for the gifts. The movie projector is amazing. I have no idea how it works or how to set it up but that's a problem for the actual geniuses I'm going to bother later. It gets us a step closer to turning one of these houses into a mini theater for the town to enjoy. The laser tag is also very much appreciated. I really needed a way to painlessly and non-fatally shoot these assholes I live with under the guise of a game.

I'm not even going to think about the changes to the town that seemed to happen overnight. Look. Paved roads are great. If it was just that I'd be all for it. Everything else? Yeah. No. If I focus on any of that I'll explode.

Dec. 28th, 2019



So in addition to a fabulous Secret Santa present (thanks, Secret Santa - I might know who you are), I guess the town or something decided that those who live in the house with me needed an extra helping of corgi butt so I present to you...

nameless corgi butt )

She is nameless so far, because I'm not great at that sort of thing. Any suggestions?

Dec. 25th, 2019



Happy whatever day you celebrate or maybe don't celebrate? I guess it's actually Christmas somewhere, so there's that. Sorry Stan.

Anyway. If you're a Loser, prepare to get down tonight Tozier style with a living room dance party. Drinks are a must and dinner is as good as I can make it, okay? Honorary Losers are allowed -- Eddie's teenaged parents, Natasha, Eddie’s Hero, Bill, Dick and Lady Dick, whoever Beverly has adopted since showing up, too.

If you're not a Loser, don't call me in for a noise complaint.
And. Uh. I guess if you're lonely, you can show up and join in.

I ♥ my new records. Bless. Shalom. Pip Pip cheerio!

Dec. 7th, 2019



Every once in a while, I just kind of get to missing weird things from back home.

Like, Twitter. And the comments section on Youtube. Sometimes you just wanna watch people argue in circles without having to be a part of it.

Anyway. Who wants to go shopping with me with the Doors? Have Bow, will travel.

Dec. 5th, 2019



Remember that time that I thought it was a good idea to take my coat off in the cold during a snowball fight?

Nov. 29th, 2019



I found a movie disc called A Christmas Story.

I've heard this holiday tossed around by some here, that Christmas is coming?
We didn't have that where I'm from.
Does anyone know if this film is educational regarding what Christmas is?

Nov. 28th, 2019



Alright. There's a table, and a phone, and I can take a hint so - hello? My name is Beverly and I don't know how I got here. But it's cold and if anyone has a towel or can maybe point me in the direction of where to find shoes, I would appreciate it.