Daily Scans - April 12th, 2009

April 12th, 2009

April 12th, 2009
11:02 am
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Magneto and Xavier, in "Defying Gravity"

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12:32 pm
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The Butcher, Part 2: Bye-Bye Miss American Dream

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02:12 pm
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Darkseid gets lonely.

Current Mood: touched
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04:06 pm


The Secret Origin of VERONICA
Do you just happen to have a copy of ARCHIE# 1, from Winter 1942? If so, skim through it and see where Bob Montana established the three-sided hopeless romance that is still going on sixty-odd years later, driving both the characters and the readers to distraction.In suburban Riverdale, the pleasant all-American hometown, teenage Archie Andrews has a date with his semi-steady girlfriend Betty Cooper for the prom. Despite this, he is crushing mightily on Boston debutante Veronica Lodge. Archie writes her love letters of that embarassing adolescent fervor, which he tears up without ever sending. HowEVER... just being helpful, his pal Jughead sees one letter and thoughtfully mails it.

With a mixture of condescension and a jaded yearning for amusement, the spoiled young heiress actually goes to Riverdale, "slumming" amidst the proletariat. And this being the comics, Archie can't make a decision, tries to get both girls to the prom by manipulating Jughead into escorting Veronica while Archie tries to get Betty out of sight long enough.. well, you just know it's going to be a multiple car pile-up on an icy road. Archie will have both girls furious at him (by no means for the last time) and half the town ticked as well. Because, to save a few dollars for Veronica's corsage, Jughead went out to the cemetary and prepared a nice little spring of what he doesn't realize is poison ivy.

Here's where things get sort of mystic and fateful. Veronica remains in town for a few days to have the poison ivy treated and she decides to stay in Riverdale. She likes toying with the smitten Archie the way a cat teases a mouse. And yet.. there's some inexplicable attraction there, even fondness. Eventually, her parents move to Riverdale as well to keep an eye on her willful child. So the cycle is set in motion. Archie neglects Betty to pursue Veronica in vain. It's as endless and as unfathomable as Offisa Pup jailing Ignatz for beaning Krazy Kat with a brick, which she sees as true love.

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05:46 pm


Wonder Woman Villains - Egg Fu
Happy Easter, everyone.

Because I derive fiendish delight from destroying your brains, this Easter I bring you...

Happy Easter, I BRING YOU EGGS )

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06:32 pm


MyCup o’ Joe: Carol's status in New Avengers
From this week's MyCup o’ Joe:

With Ms.Marvel dead on issue 37 how will this affect her role in New Avengers.Will it be addressed by Bendis?

It’s going to be like Weekend at Bernie’s, but with a Quinjet. Hilarity will ensue.

And, for legality...

The art is by Bob Almond.

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09:14 pm
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What happens when you kick a bear in the balls.

Anyone remember this post? This is the result.

Images behind the cut. )


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10:07 pm


Amazon-fail and Yoshinaga-win within.
As many of you already know and are rightfully and righteously freaking out over, Amazon.com has started de-listing books with GLBT content from the Amazon rank sales charts. (Google-bombs away!)

Upon hearing this, with a sinking feeling, I started surfing Amazon's selection of graphic novels, and yup, they appear to have de-listed one of my favourite shounen-ai manga, featured below the cut.

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10:24 pm


Maybe we'll get lucky and somebody will share scans of the classic Green Arrow & Speedy comics dealing with addiction. Or at least some of Tony Stark's embarassing alcohol moments.

All I can contribute for Dope Week on such short notice is this link to COMICS WITH PROBLEMS where there's scans of many anti-drug comics, as well as political and other public service themed topics.

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10:30 pm


TMNT Adventures #61
Special camping in the desert issue!

Raphaels, Stories, and Strangeness under the cut... )

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10:41 pm


Archie & Friends #130
Who will come out on top? )

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10:47 pm


WATCHMEN: Perception!
Here's a small selection from WATCHMEN Chapter 2, with a bigger scan and some notes after the cut.


Violence is fun! )

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11:44 pm


A Battle of the Cowl Reaction Casstoon, also Christopher Lee Singing
Contains Spoilers )
For possible legality, Conner and Tim discussing Cass )

Also included, Christopher Lee singing in a musical comedy about superheroes called 'The Return of Captain Invincible'. Here he tempts the alcoholic of the title,
Video behind cut )

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