Daily Scans
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Below are the 2 most recent journal entries recorded in the "Daily Scans" journal:
01:34 am [dejadrew]
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Food Week: Cakegasms Antique Bakery. Delicious. Sinful. Decadent. Edible.
I'd like to do the punchline "and the cakes ain't bad either," but I really was talking about the cake. Not that the men aren't tasty, too. But seriously. Oh my god. Cake.
....This manga has a SCRATCH AND SNIFF COVER. It is CHOCOLATE. Now I ask you, how is that fair?
Tags: creator: fumi yoshinaga, medium: manga, series: food week, title: antique bakery
10:07 pm [dejadrew]
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Amazon-fail and Yoshinaga-win within. As many of you already know and are rightfully and righteously freaking out over, Amazon.com has started de-listing books with GLBT content from the Amazon rank sales charts. (Google-bombs away!)
Upon hearing this, with a sinking feeling, I started surfing Amazon's selection of graphic novels, and yup, they appear to have de-listed one of my favourite shounen-ai manga, featured below the cut.
Tags: creator: fumi yoshinaga, medium: manga, theme: homosexuality, title: antique bakery