August 2020




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Aug. 10th, 2020


Log, at the convenience store: Mari L, Cris M, Dinah N, & Kit V

Who: Team Red Copper: Mari Lagos, Cris Martin, Dinah North, & Kit Vaughn
What: curiosity
Where: the convenience store
When: noon, the day after this
Warnings/Rating: TBD

These days, before he was anything else, Cris was a dad, huh? )

Aug. 9th, 2020


[Team Red Copper.]

[Group: Cris, Dinah, Kit, Mari]
[During this.]

Dinah has changed her mind. Where shall we meet to do this?

Aug. 8th, 2020


A Note.

Dinah had thought. She had thought a lot about what she wanted to do. What her brother would do. She was given a choice. They let her choose. Choices meant you could change your mind, right? So she snagged a piece partially crumbled paper and wrote something down before her mind flip flopped ... again.

Certainty was never Dinah's strong suite when it came to herself, at least beyond Beckett, beyond survival.


The top of a clock was left for Mari at the end of Dinah's shift. It rested on top of the counter along with a very simple, very solitary note, written in extremely simple, almost childlike hand. By the time Mari would find the note, the half dry black pen would still be teetering side to side where it was left only moments before.

Aug. 4th, 2020



Then the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star from heaven which had fallen to the earth; and the key of the bottomless pit was given to him.

Revelation 9:1

Aug. 2nd, 2020


Cris M, Dinah N, Kit V, Mari L

[Group lock: Cris, Dinah, Kit, Mari]
[After this, once she learns all the people who share pieces of the coppery-red clock.]

How do we decide in what manner we proceed?


Forum: Public / Dinah N.

Mine is green

[Dinah N]
I don’t trust this […] but it has instructions

Aug. 1st, 2020


[Posted anonymously.]

Does anyone know how difficult it is to sell something when somebody is just giving it away for free in doorstep antique sales?!?!



Are we meant to trust this letter and the piece of a clock which was given to us? Mine is a coppery red that looks like blood, and I am not certain I trust someone who would take apart an antique clock in this way.

[She posts a link to a picture of her clock piece, to better illustrate the color.]

Jul. 19th, 2020


Dinah N.

Cinders is on the curtain rail and I don't know how to get him down

Jul. 18th, 2020


Public, Shiloh F, Tory W, Noah NW


What's the antique shop selling, these days?

[Tory W]

Have you come up for sunlight, recently?

[Shiloh F]

Hello. Er, what am I meant to say to your brother?

[Noah NW]

Hello. I wonder if you could give me some advice.

Jul. 17th, 2020



Did someone mess up the sewer?

Jul. 16th, 2020


[News: Antiguedades y Botanica]

[The antique store, which was previously (and quietly) owned and run by a very pale man with refined tastes, is very obviously under new management. The sign on the exterior now proclaims: Antiguedades y Botanica, but that isn't where the change ends. The clientele isn't the occasional estate lawyer and dedicated collector. Daily, new cars drive through to Repose to visit the store on the far end of town. These cars range from the most expensive models to nearly non-functioning vehicles. The people who enter the shop have varying shades of dark skin and speak with heavy accents. They come with families, and some arrive weeping, while others arrive wringing their hands and with hope in their eyes. They don't purchase furniture or tschotskes. Some come out with small religious statues held close to their chests, but most exit with paper bags clutched tightly in a hand. While their parents are inside, children run in the street and play on the grass. They are loud people, and they bring tributes of food that carry exotic scents on the summer breeze.]

Jul. 13th, 2020



This is Cinders. I found him and he lives with me and my brother now. He talks a lot. )

Jul. 10th, 2020


Phonecall! Beckett.

[A little after this!]

Work started in an hour so Dinah's brisk walk toward town began right after she fed Cinders, who, by the way, was mewing adorably that afternoon. Beckett hadn't been home. She shouldn't worry, but she did. She didn't want to text, so she waited until the bars filled on the corner of her phone, the soles of her worn shoes padding against concrete. She tapped his name with her thumb and brought the phone to her ear.


Jul. 6th, 2020


001; 🔮

Has anyone been able to find a pearl? I've done all this diving and the only pearl I got was from the otter. So I have all these mermaid DIYs, but no pearls. They should program a pearl a day it's not that hard.



I have heard people speaking of a ghost in a library. Do the people here believe these things are true?


Forum: Public / Dinah N. / Mari L.

Is the weather always like this here?

[Dinah N]
I think I've changed my mind

[Mari L]
Hi. [...] Are you the lady who owns the antiques store?

Jul. 5th, 2020


[Public. Holly. Damian. Dietre.]

[There's lots of reasons Daniel shouldn't be able to figure out the forums right now, but we're handwaving most of it. Grandpa got tech support, or something.]

There seems to be a great deal of noise and firearms even after the holiday is through. One can barely think.

Dear Holly, I would prefer to avoid troubling you, but I have a number of favors to ask of you.

And how is the composing, maestro?

[Time fuzz. But we will say, sometime vaguely after this.]
Damian, do you wish to speak to me? I do not have a purpose, other than to ask you how you do.

Jul. 4th, 2020


I Scream Shoppe

Lately, I am not 100% into celebrating the grand old US of A but July is still a nostalgic month for me. Something that I remember so fondly, catching lightning bugs with sticky watermelon soaked hands, trying to write words with sparkles, staying in the pool for 10 hours at a time and being shivering with near hypthermia when I got out, sleeping on the porch and listening to the peepers sing love songs to one another across the pond.

if you want a sweet treat, always remember I Scream.

This month, the special menu for July is:

1. The Rafe Treaty - A soft cheesecake icecream, with a coating of smashed up Jax. This one's a special concoction I created for someone disbelieving. It's amazing.

2. Cherry Pie - A vanilla and cherry base icecream with buttery pie crust pieces.

3. Firecracker - a lemonade, watermelon, and blueberry sherbert with chocolate-covered candy rock pieces.

4. Dragon floss and cotton candy - a mash-up of two pulled sugar treats. [Vegan]

5. Chocolate Chile - When you like your ice cream a little hot. This one is actually really refreshing on a hot day.

6. Fried dough and powder sugar. - Yep. That carnival favorite but in a universe of ice cream.

Special this month from Katiewhittleart Cute and Affordable!

Paranormal club tomorrow. If you still intend to go reply to this with the snack offering of your choice. Sign up fast if you want to bring something easy.

What is everyone's favorite dip? What's your favorite thing to dip!

Jun. 30th, 2020



Wall of text incoming )

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