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Jul. 28th, 2016


[Will, Casper, Michael]

[Group lock: Will, Casper, Michael]
[After this.]

Anyone heard from Carver?

Jul. 22nd, 2016


[Public anonymously]

We discussed the worthiness of art and people. You were also soaking wet. Still alive?


How was the party? I think we can call it that, it wasn't a bloody art show.


I've been told to ask you to paint the skirtings multi-colors.

[B and B]

Tell me there's a magical hangover cure in circulation.




I need to know for the payroll if you're still here and in one piece.

Jul. 20th, 2016


temp/scooby gang

[Scooby Gang]

I heard there was a party. I'm concerned it might have been like the last one.


Did you go to the party?

Jul. 19th, 2016


[B&B Lock]

[Group B&B Lock: Residents & Staff]
Ordered in greasy breakfast food. Good for hangovers. Catering people are serving in the regular place all day.

Jun. 29th, 2016


Felicity H, Leena B, Caleb R, Janus A, Michael C, Alex H, Etain S, Cris M, Sam A

[B&B Group: Felicity H, Caleb R, Leena B, Janus A, Michael C, Alex H, Etain S, Cris M, Sam A]

Caleb's going to be taking over while Connie's away. Need anything, he's your man. Someone make sure they feed her dog.



Rooms for rent?

Jun. 27th, 2016


Flash M, Gwen R, Melody B, Michael C, Eddie N, Stephanie M

[Very late.]

[Locked separately to: Flash M, Gwen R, Melody B, Michael C, Eddie N, & Stephanie M]
Hi, it's Steve from the facility. I just wanted to see how you were doing.

Jun. 10th, 2016


log: carriage house - michael and atticus

Who: Michael and Atticus
What: Taking a look at some photos.
Where: The Carriage House
When: This evening
Warnings/Rating: N/A

It was hours before Michael finally made it out from under the watchful eye of the doctors outside the facility. )


[locked to carver a]

[After this conversation. Still stuck in the med tent getting checked out.]

Heyyy. Can I talk to you for a second?

Jun. 7th, 2016


[locks to atticus m, carver a, will r / janus a / b&b residents]

[locked to atticus m, carver a, will r]

Hey. well that was forget that Just got one hell of a missed voicemail. Where's Casper? Is he alright?

[locked to janus a]

I owe you an apology. And hey! I'm not dead! Exciting.

[b&b residents+staff]

Not dead, if anybody was wondering. I just work at the happiest place on earth.

Jun. 3rd, 2016


Michael, Will, Carver

[Locked to Michael C, Will R, Carver A]
[After a phone call.]

Anyone else get a call?

May. 31st, 2016


B&B Residents & Staff

[After moving in to room 16 Tuesday morning.]

I'm completely rubbish at these sort of things, but I wanted to take a moment and introduce myself. I've a room on the third floor. Just moved in this morning. Does everyone here mostly keep to themselves or are we a friendly sort?

Anyways. Room 16. Feel free to come say hi as I get settled.


May. 26th, 2016


tethys comm

[open comm to tethys comm channel]

[Clearly struggling:] Eddie? We gotcha your not so little captor. Outside Lab 27. [Grunt. A garbled noise from one of those things and a round of gunshots.] We've got another friend here trying to join in on the fun. [There was something that sounded suspiciously like the crack of ice and she groaned. A woosh of air.] How's everyone else enjoying this wonderful day?

May. 24th, 2016


Carver A, Will R, Michael C

[Group: Carver, Michael, Will]
[Unaware of Michael's Tethys lockdown status.]

Know if Casper still lives on the lake?

May. 18th, 2016


Tethys Comms

[Tethys Comms Channel]
[After this.]

This is Eddie Nelson. I seem to have lost a Cat. Has anyone seen her? Tall, brunette, sharp claws...

[Private Comm to Melody B.]

Hey, are you here? Okay?

May. 14th, 2016


[Tethys Lockdown]

[A while after the initial chaos, well into the lockdown. The fleeing crowds have, er, died out a little. So aside from the alarms, the floor above ground zero is quiet, almost pensive, as if waiting--until a burst of static rips across the hallway intercom system, followed by the ominous sound of steel doors clanging shut in unison, all over the level. A new, localized alarm begins to sound somewhere nearby.]

[Hallway intercoms]
Ooh, shoot. [A long pause and then, cheerfully:] Um! Totally my bad.

May. 13th, 2016


[Tethys Lockdown]

[During this disaster; after picking up a radio from a downed security officer (along with taking whatever weapons were on hand).]

[On the security comms channel]
[Calm, but with urgency.] Anyone not here already, stay out of the lab. I repeat, stay out of the lab. We have [...] a situation. We need to evacuate those here to a safer space and contain the chaos.

May. 11th, 2016


[b&b residents]

[After this.]

All I wanted was to carry some waffles upstairs. Not throw them all over the hallway.

May. 5th, 2016


[locked to janis]

[He doesn't just bang on the wall, so he's clearly not at the B & B.]

Hey you.

Apr. 29th, 2016


Michael C

[Michael C]

[After this.]

So I'm going to need you to show up Saturday at 7:30am. Tyler is going back up to the Capital to check on his toe, and I've got no one else available to help with the cereal extravaganza. I hate to get you up that early, but I'll double your pay that morning and you can pick out some cartoons to show. Sound good?

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