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Jan. 30th, 2020


[Derek, Holly, Jamie, Si, Hannah, Lear, Seven]

[She just got home from closing up, in her pajamas but still with her hair done and makeup on. Texted, even though she's pretty sure Derek is in the other room:]

On the forums:

i know i'm late to the not-party and i'm sorry i didn't say anything sooner. i heard you got hurt.

i apologize for our last conversation. i know that one started out as an apology, but it went off the rails and i didn't react right and said some messed up stuff. i don't want you to feel like you have to reply, but i did want to say that i'm sorry.

how goes it?

how are things going? i saw something about you apartment hunting?

[Against her better judgement, Lear]
congrats on the new house.

[And, finally, Seven]
six months and one day.

Jan. 27th, 2020


Public, Marta F, Hugh M

It would appear that we have a new resident by the lakeside. Welcome, whoever you are.

[Marta F]

I feel like half our relationship is now quarterly check in's. How are you doing, Marta?

[Hugh M]

This is where I pretend that I am at all good at reaching out to people and say hello. I hope your days have been well?

Jan. 22nd, 2020



Important announcement.

I found a new outfit for going to the cluuuuubs.

Werk it Wednesday!

Jan. 8th, 2020


[Marta F.]

Did your new place work out for you?

Jan. 6th, 2020


Derek F

[Backdated to right around Christmas.]

you got me animasl!

Jan. 5th, 2020


Marta F, Dietre A, F Eames, Hazel H, Mal R, Daniel W, Public

[Locked to Marta F]
I so didn't mean to leave you hanging dude. How was NY?

[Locked to Dietre A]
[He hasn't heard from him a while, but he tries anyway.]

[Locked to Feames]
Walked into any ones dreams lately?

[Locked to Hazel H]
[...After some thinking.]
Hey dude I think we maybe got off on the wrong foot. Do you want to try again or just like write it off?

[Locked to Mal R]
Dude I forgot to ask after your holidays my bad

[Locked to Daniel W]
[Also just to try.]
Mr. W?

Is anyone looking for a front desk type job?

Dec. 31st, 2019


[Hannah S, Jamie M]

[A few days after the incident at Seven's bar.]

hi hannah
how was your holidays?

[Jamie M]
[After learning who Jamie is.]

hi. sorry about the other day.

Dec. 28th, 2019


[Derek F, Travis B]

[After the lunch hour gone wrong and the rest of the day where she forced herself to be as normal as possible for customers, but was mostly just going through the motions.]

[Derek F]
i talked to him.

[Travis B]

Dec. 23rd, 2019


[Leena B]

hi leena

Dec. 18th, 2019


Marta F

Who are Seven and Sawyer?

Dec. 17th, 2019


[Books: Audrey, Marta, Hannah]

Who: Audrey, Marta, Hannah
What: Bookclub (and girl things)
Where: Second-hand books
When: Nowish
Warnings/Rating: Doubtful

They'd agreed to meet in the cafe section of the bookstore. Audrey's shift was ending, and Hannah didn't need to be back at the carnival for hours, and it was still early enough for Marta. Hannah wasn't actually sure if it needed to be early for Marta, but she thought it would be a good idea, just in case Marta was still staying out of town. She needed to ask, and she chided herself mentally for not having done so, but winter had set in and with it the winter blues. Hannah was often melancholy, but this year she was bluer than blue, and little outings like this one helped a lot.

She walked into the store, warm and with a scarf around her neck, hair in a messy bun, and she'd forgotten a coat, but she was forgetful that way. She'd always been forgetful, and she rubbed her hands together once she was inside. Her cheeks and nose warmed up as she approached the cafe counter, and she ordered herself a white chocolate mocha, and then she took herself to the little tables that dotted the cafe. She picked one in the corner, where it would be quiet, and she tugged a third chair over for Marta.

Her messenger bag, which had been hanging against one hip and across her chest, was placed on the table, and she tugged a few books out of it. She didn't open them, the books, because there were other things to talk about too, like all the rumors in town, and like windows and Town Hall-promised trees, and just things. It was nice, she thought, to have friends.

Dec. 2nd, 2019


[Hannah and Si, Noah, Travis, Derek]

[It takes a few days for her to get back to the forums after the night of the train.]

[Hannah and Si]
hi. sorry it took so long for me toget back to you.

hey. i'm way late in replying but everythings ok. you and holly good?


[A little after the other messages.]
i might need some time off. and maybe help figuring out the bank thing your person got for me?

Nov. 21st, 2019


Lots o' locks

[It takes him a few hours to get around to posting.]

[Locked to Audrey C]
Giggles you good?

[Locked to Dietre A]
Hey bro you around?

[Locked to Travis B]
All good Bodie?

[Locked to Marta F]
Hey Marta you ok?

[Locked to Tandy B]

[Locked to Harlow J, Atticus M, Rey S]
[Separate locks.]
Was the night ok?

[Locked to Ren S]
Hey dude

[Locked to Alex W]
Doing ok?

Nov. 20th, 2019


The Illusion and the Mirror

Who: The Illusion and the Mirror
What: Talking
Where: The train
When: Immediately following this
Warnings/Rating: We'll see.

Promises )

Nov. 7th, 2019


Marta F

[After what feels like a couple weeks of quiet on his end.]

He y, Marta?

Nov. 2nd, 2019




Does anyone have a room to rent? It needn't have a window, but running water is a must.

Oct. 29th, 2019


[Hannah and Si, Holly, Aedan]

[Hannah and Si]
hi. i'm back during the days for work but not really for breakfast yet. i just wanted to let you know.


how are you? okay?

Oct. 25th, 2019


Live and Breathe: Derek / Marta

Who: Marta and then Derek
What: Marta's first day back at work
Where: Recovery -> new house -> Live and Breathe
When: This week
Warnings/Rating: Not to start (other than talk of Marta's rehab).

Getting through the days, managing the anxiety, finding a new normal )

Oct. 24th, 2019


Mayers, Hugh M, Marta F

[Time-fuzz, because they were actually only gone a couple days.]

[Locked to the Mayers]
we're back.

[Locked to Hugh M]
we're back.

[Locked to Mara F+Am Hannah S]
we're back in town.

Oct. 16th, 2019


[Derek F & Travis B]

[She tries to message Patrick first, to let him know that she'd like to have coffee with him over the weekend. But it bumps back to her as undeliverable. She stares at her screen for a while before typing in Derek's name.]

hi. [...] I'll be able to come back to work on monday if you want.

[And then Travis...]

im going to be back in town soon for work.

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