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September 29th, 2019

[info]thedanseur in [info]repose

Holly NW, Adrian M, Ren S, Alex W, Billy K

[Holly NW]

How's married life?

[Adrian M]

Hey, man. You doing okay since the whole forum thing?

[Ren S]

Spamalot cravings done?

[Alex W, Billy K, separately]

Hey man.

[info]inkonstage in [info]repose

[Del D, Derek F, Patrick G, Hugh M, Si M, Hannah S]

[She doesn't hit everyone she knows, but she thinks it'll do for now. Her typing is far from perfect, but it's getting much easier for her.]

[Del D]
Hi, it's Marta. We talked about the room? i wanted to let you know that i'm going to be back in town in about 3 weeks.Are you still ok with me staying there? How much do i need to give you to move in? Thanks, Marta.

[Derek F]
Hi, it's Marta. i guess i just wanted to double check with you. Last time we talked, it seemd like you were ok with me coming back to work. I mean, whatever position we call it, whatever you want. Is that okay with you? It should be about 3 weeks or so, they're saying.

[Patrick G]
Hi treecop. :) 3 weeks and counting.

[Hugh M]
Hi, it's Marta. We talked a while back about me renting a room? i wanted to let you know that I think i found a place in town, and I'm going to try that at least for a month. But thank you for offering. And if it doesn't work there, is it ok if i message you?

[Si and Hannah]
i hope it's ok to write to you both at the same time. haven't heard from yuo in a while and i hope everything is ok for both of you.